Chapter 12: Would it blind our eyes within seconds?

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911, what's your emergency?

Hello? Yes, this is Frank Iero. Someone kidnapped my boyfriend.

Alright, we're sending police to your location, sir, just try and stay calm.

Oh my god, thank you so much.


As the police searched my apartment for anything that could elude to where Gerard went, I stood outside nervously. The other tenants of the building were gathered outside as well, watching the police work and wondering what was going on. While I was waiting, one of my neihbors turned to me.

"You live here, right?" I nodded "What happened? Is everything okay?" He looked genuinely concerned about the situation.

"My boyfriend was kidnapped." I said simply, the concerned expression never leaving his face. In fact, he seemed more concerned than before but figured that he should drop the subject, which I was infinitely grateful for.

When the police finally called me in they told me that other than the note that was left there, they had no evidence that it was Marvin or anyone else. So as they packed up and started to leave, I looked to the door and saw a woman in a plain grey dress leaning up against the wall looking boredly at her surroundings. Mrs. Walker. The woman who contacted me when this all started.

I angrily stalked up to her "You have no right to be here! I don't fucking care about what your organization is trying to do anymore, I just lost someone I love!" She took a drag from her cigarette and glanced over me. That just made me even angrier "You don't even care! How could you not care that someones life is on the line?"

"Someones life?" She walked into the apartment glancing at the pictures on the walls. She took one down, a picture of me and Gerard on a date to the beach "Frankie, if what you say in your reports are true then I don't think we have much to worry about." She held the picture up for me to see "What camera did you use here? Nikon? It's good quality."

"He's my boyfriend!" I yelled at her, ignoring the previous question "And as long as he's in Marvins hands, he's at risk! What if Marvin tries to kill him but he doesn't die? Then he would find out about everything! And you probably don't want that for your company, do you?"

Mrs. Walker thought about it for a minute, placing the picture back onto the wall "Alright, we'll get him back." She finally replied "I'll send a team in. But, just so you know, I still don't support this relationship. You're supposed to get information, not get involved." She was right in front of me now, and placed a hand under my chin "Things just get messy, Frankie."

I stiffened as I noticed her lips nearly inches away from mine "I think it's time that you leave." I said, standing my ground.

Her face turned back to the bored expression it always had, and she let go of my chin "You're no fun, Frankie. You choose to get involved, and yet you won't even get involved with me." She stalked back to the door and turned around to face me, leaning against the frame "It'd be a shame if your curious attitude went to waste."

"I have a boyfriend. Just because he went missing doesn't mean I'm going to find someone else. We'll find him. I know we will."


The trees were a beautiful green against the bright blue sky, the forest seeming to go on forever. I closed my eyes, basking in the peaceful atmosphere. And then I started to walk.

As I walked, I saw many things. Mostly birds. But I also saw a deer. Not up close, but it was the closest I ever came to a deer before. When it noticed me it didn't do anything, just standed still and watched as I continued my walk. It was strange.

After a while, I began to hear a voice calling my name. Where was it coming from? Who's was it? I began to run in the direction of the voice, soon realising who's voice it was and smiling despite myself. As I caught sight of him, I laughed joyously.

"Gerard! Gerard, I'm here!" He was okay. Sure, his hair was untamed and he had a bit of dirt on his face, but that's to be expected from being out in the woods all this time. He smiled back at me, hugging me tight when I finally came close "I missed you so much."

And then I kissed him. At first, it was just a normal kiss, soft and tender like any other kiss we could have shared. But then, as the kiss deepened, I felt something... moving in his mouth. Not his tongue, but something that was alive.

I quickly pulled away and screamed when I saw the bugs pooling out of his mouth. I wanted to throw up. This couldn't be real. But as I felt something move in my mouth, and I saw the huge centipede I pulled off my tongue, I couldn't have been more convinced.

"What's wrong, Frankie?"


I woke up with a start, breathing heavily as I tried to calm down. That dream... It had been so real. I pulled the covers over me more, worried what other dreams I may have about Gerard. I doubt I would fall asleep again without him here to hug me until I drift off.

I missed him so much.

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