Chapter 13: Because if keeping ourselves safe all our lives is heroic,

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The brass knuckles stung as Marvin punched me again clean across the face. My previous wounds that were scattered across my chest already stung just as bad, and yet he still kept at it. His fists were stained with my blood, and after a while he got tired of hitting me. I looked up at him.

"P-Please... Stop this.... I-It's getting y-you nowhere... A-and I won't be a-able to t-take much m-more of this b-before I-" He cut me off by stabbing me in the stomache, causing me to spit up blood once again. I sputtered and coughed in his face as he watched me die once again.

He had done this multiple times already, and I was starting to get afraid of what it would be like to die for real. Each time he killed me it took longer and longer to wake up again. And once I finally woke up, it was back to killing me again.

This time took about five hours.

When I woke up, Marvin wasn't there. I had assumed he had gone upstairs, but was too busy puking up my own blood to pay much attention. It stank down there. He had stabbed me in multiple fatal places, each time bringing a new pain and weight to what I understood as death. With each death I experienced I felt myself slipping further away from my waking hours. I had to have something to cling onto and remind me of who I am. My first thought was my heart locket and I immediately looked down to my chest, surprised to not find it there hanging around my neck.

I looked around the room frantically, despite the pain that still peirced through my neck every time it turned to a new angle. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted it lying on the metal desk behind me. If I could just lean back a bit, maybe I could get it back. I tried to, almost being successful, until I heard the door at the top of the stairs slam open. The chair fell out from under me as I collapsed on the ground in surprise.

Marvin slowly walked up to where I was laying, bruised and beaten on the floor "What the hell were you trying to do? Escape?" He was right in front of me now, towering over my corpse of a body. When I didn't respond he kicked me sharply, and I let out a cry of pain "Answer me."

"I-I need it b-back." I nodded up to the jewelry that was hanging teasingly above my head. Marvin picked it up off the table and examined it in his hand. He gave me a wicked grin and tried to pry open the rusted metal "W-What are y-you doing? S-Stop! Please, i-it's personal! P-Please!"

There was a harsh, metallic snap, and I looked away, trying not to catch his reaction to the small drawing I taped to the inside "Well well well, looks like Frankie wasn't your only mortal boyfriend." The drawing of Bert that I had taped inside was painted in watercolor. I needed to get it back. I needed something to fight for.

But... I already have Frank. I don't need to constantly hold on to things that won't hold you back. Frank has always been there for me, but Bert? He lied to me. He decieved me in my darkest time and I deserved someone better than that. Sure, I'll still feel love for him, but it's much better to love something that's still here.

And that's why I didn't even flinch when he broke the locket right in front of me.


"I want to go along."

"Absolutely not." I followed behind Mrs. Walker as she made her way down the hall of her headquarters. Her heels clicked with every step she took, echoing through the building "You'll only complicate things, Frank. Besides, you're not experienced in the field. We have agents for that!"

"He's my boyfriend, I need to make sure he's okay!" I argued, but she just kept walking, not paying any attention to what I was saying. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, trying to think of any way I could help get my boyfriend back. Then, I noticed armed agents passing by me and coming out of the room I was standing in front of. I looked at the sign next to the room that read 'Armory'. I smirked. No one would know. No one would even have a clue.

I stepped inside, gazing at the bulky suits and picking one that seemed to be my size. I put the helmet on last, now unrecognizable to anyone and looked just like anyone else in the facility. I was going to get my boyfriend back myself, not wait for other people to play fetch and bring him back for me. What can I say? I fight for what I love. That couldn't be more obvious to me as I stepped into the black van, surrounded by three other armed agents.

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