Chapter 8: but it's the clouds that I admire.

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The rest of the day, all I could think about was Frank. What was he doing at work? Was he okay? Questions festered my mind so much, I could hardly teach class that day. I was sort of glad when Ms. Rolinn came in at lunch so I could have a distraction from everything that was going on in my head.

"Hi Gerard! I just need to borrow some textbooks, the ones I have don't really have the right information I need for this unit. You know how it is." She said. I, in fact, didn't know 'how it was', but still let her borrow the textbooks regardless. Really, I just needed someone to talk to for a while.

As I helped her carry some of the textbooks into her classroom, we made conversation about school and how long we thought we were gonna be here. Honestly, I couldn't see myself being here for much longer than I already had. Maybe I'd go to Europe to relive some old memories? But the more I thought about it, the more repulsed I was by the idea.

After that whole ordeal was over I went back to my classroom, surprised to see Frank waiting for me "Frank? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He walked past me and closed the door so no one would hear us. Something was going on...

"Yeah, I'm not really supposed to be here right now. But I need to talk to you." He sat down on one of the desks in the front row of the classroom "Remember when you told me that you were Immortal?"

"I didn't say I was Immortal." I corrected him, not wanting the term to be used so loosely "Just that I've lived for six thousand years."

"Either way, I think I found out how you could share your power. Not that you need to share your power with me, but if we're taking this relationship seriously I think we should at the very least consider it." And that's when I noticed the book he was holding "It's Les Prophéties? By Nostradamus? Or at least a copy of it. Anyway, what he said in here is really vague, but from what I could tell one of his poems said something about a lake in Europe or something. I bet if we could decode it, we could go there and find out what he was talking about?"

I could barely speak. Just thinking about going back there was something I was not very fond about "Frank, I don't know if that's the smartest idea. What if this book is wrong? What if there isn't anyway to share my power and I outlive you? What then?"

"Gerard, I'll be alright. I really think that we can do this, just trust me."

I stared at him, just thinking for a while. What if after we did this and Frank became like me, he left me because he just wanted to be like me? But then again, what if after saying no to him and we fall in love he grows old and dies and I don't and I get to live in pain for the rest of my life? There was too much to consider for me to think straight "I'll think about it." I finally say.

As Frank is about to walk out the door, he turns around "Hey, do you want to go out again sometime?" I nodded and he smiled back at me "Great. Should we just stay at your house then?" Another nod "Alright, I'll see you then."

As soon as he was gone, I sat back down in my chair with a heavy sigh trying to enjoy what little time I had left of my lunch break. When did everything in my life get so chaotic all of a sudden? I had to worry about what Frank had mentioned about Europe and on top of that wonder what we would do at our date. And, as I had remembered, I still hadn't learned how to ride a bike.


That night, I was sort of relieved that all Frank wanted to do was eat dinner on the couch and cuddle together. I don't think I would have been up for anything else, so there we were snuggled up on the couch eating fast food and watching star wars. He was sitting in my lap, my chest pressed up against his back lightly and my arms around his waist.

But after a while, I felt Frank shift around one too many times against my crotch to be a coincidence. I tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at me with a mischevious look in his eyes. The more I looked, I noticed something else there, but tried to ignore it "F-Frank... What are y-you doing?"

He turned around so he was facing me "I think you know what I'm doing." And then he kissed me. His lips were warm on mine and soft as he started to push me back and straddle my waist. It felt... Strange. It didn't seem like he actually wanted to do this right now, so I pulled away from the kiss "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Frank, I just... Don't really want to do this right now."

He leaned down so his lips were nearly touching mine and held his hands on my chest "Why? You've done this before, haven't you?" He still had that strange look in his eye from before. It was like he was only doing it because he felt like I wanted to. That wasn't right at all.

"No, it's just that... I don't know, I just think we should wait is all. It seems like we're going too fast." The look in his eyes changed to something like relief and he got off of me, saying that it was late and he should really get going. I did not object, and he left before I could say goodbye.

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