Chapter 11: But what is color without the lack of it?

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The next morning I woke up after Gerard had, seeing as he wasn't in bed anymore I had assumed he went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, still tired from the previous nights activities, and hopped out of bed wearing only my boxers.

I had decided last night that I would tell Gerard everything. Why I was bringing up sex more often these past weeks, what I was really doing when I was taking photos of his things. I meant everything. Gerard was the most important thing to me right now, and I needed to protect him at all costs.

As I walked out into the living room, I couldn't spot Gerard anywhere. I looked in the kitchen, checked the bathroom. Nothing. I was so confused. Did he leave because he was breaking up with me? Did he only want me for sex, like all those other guys, and once he got what he wanted he just left me?

No, no not Gerard. He was different, he treated me perfectly and cared about me. I sat down on the couch in the living room. Gerard would never leave me like that, right?

And that's when I noticed the note. It was laying right there on the coffee table, and I shakily reached out for it. It couldn't be true. He wouldn't do this. There was no way. The letter was handwritten, and I recognized the handwriting from anywhere. It read:


I've got your little boyfriend.

If you want him back, maybe you should start being mine again.




"Where am I?" I blinked furiously, trying to see whatever was in front of me, then realising I couldn't because I was blindfolded. I tugged at the rope that was restraining my arms to the cold, metal chair I was sitting in. The last thing I remembered was waking up, going into the living room, seeing someone in the kitchen... I pulled frantically at the ropes, realising what was going on "Please, don't hurt me! Don't hurt Frank!"

"Hurt Frank?" Marvins voice echoed through the room "I would never hurt my own boyfriend! What kind of a person do you think I am?" He laughed darkly and humorlessly and it echoed throughout the room.

"You're sick! You're a sick person!" I yelled at him over his laughter "Who would do something like this? Stalk their ex for two years and kidnap their boyfriend?" That comment earned me a slap across the face that stung and no doubt left a bright red hand print there.

I felt him lean in menacingly, his face right in front of mine "By the end of the week, Frank is going to be my boyfriend. Besides, I wouldn't be so bold if I were you." He stood up and took the blindfold off me, allowing me to observe my surroundings.

We were in a basement of some kind, evident by the pipes and wires lining some of the walls. It was dark, despite the small glow of the lightbulb which hung from the ceiling by barely a thread. I looked up at Marvin, seeing the familiar face from when me and Frank had our first date "What are you talking about?"

He smirked darkly "I know everything, Gerard. I know how you can't die." My breathing hitched as he pulled a switch blade out of his pocket and moved closer to me. I tugged at the restraints desperately, trying to loosen them and slip out "And I intend to take that to my full advantage."

I felt a splicing pain go through my neck as he drove the blade through. I felt myself choke on my own blood as it dribbled out of my mouth. All I saw before I passed out was Marvin staring at me dangerously as he drove the knife in further until I couldn't feel anything anymore.

About an hour later, I woke up.

I gasped and tried to reach up to my neck, but failed and resorted to tugging at the reatraints again. Marvin was by my side immediately, having waited there for me to wake up. The blood was dripping down my neck still, but the wound was quickly healing.

"Fucking incredible." He whispered, looking in my eyes the entire time. Then, he smirked "So you can live for an eternity, right?" He starts to walk sonewhere behind me, and I heard the sound of tools being pushed around in a drawer. When he comes back he's holding a whip, which makes my eyes widen "I'm gonna make it the worst eternity you'll ever experience."

"Pl-Please don't-" I was cut off by him bringing the whip down on my skin. The blow cut right through my clothes and left a bright red mark right across my chest. I cried out in pain, my muscles tensing when he brought the whip down again causing me to let out another cry. By the time he was done with the whip, my clothes were ripped beyond repair and my chest was bleeding from the blows he landed on them "P-Pl-Please..... I d-don't care w-what you d-do to me.... J-Just don't hurt F-Frank."

He grabbed his knife out of his pocket once again, tracing it along my jawline and staring into my eyes "Well, then I hope you don't mind if I kill you over and over and over again." And before I could comprehend what was happening, he was stabbing right into my chest, making me choke once again and I watched my world fade to black for the second time that day.

If he kept going, killing me repeatedly like he said, I don't think my body can take much more of this. I've known for a while that the scientifical reasoning behind it is that my cells grow and heal stronger and faster than a normal human being. But if the cells are repeatedly cut down over and over, eventually there won't be anymore cells left.

And I'll be left in the dark.

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