Chapter 14: then we'll never be safe when we are set free.

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Marvins car was in his driveway when the van parked across the street feom his house. The other agents and I got out of the van and rushed across the street, trying our hardest not to be seen in the black of the night. We wasted no time and kicked open the front door. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, sweat beading down my forehead as we searched the house.

I decided to check the basement on my own. As I stepped down the stairs, I caught sight of a pale figure slumped over in a chair. Gerard. He was covered in blood, tied to the chair with ropes. He didn't look like he had any strength left to move, much less alert us of where he was.

I rushed up to him immediately, struggling to untie the knots "W-W-Who are y-you?" He struggled to say, looking straight into my eyes. It was then that I realised I still had my helmet on, and slipped off the bulky material.

I smiled at him, my hair sticking all over the place and my face covered in sweat. His eyes went wide "Gerard, I came to get you!" I told him gleefully, and continued to untie the rope that was holding him in place. His expression was far from happy.

"F-Frank, you n-need t-t-to go." Gerard begged, his arms falling to his lap once I untied them.

I looked at him questioningly "What do you-" I didn't finish my sentence before I was being hit across the side of the head with a bat by someone I couldn't see. I blacked out after that.

All I really remember is flashes of people and places. Gunshots, blood, hospitals. After a while, I woke up and found myself lying in a hospital bed. There were bandages on my head and my limbs seemed sore. I heard someone outside in the hallway in front of my room yelling at one of the nurses.

"He's my family!" The guy with bleached hair yelled "I don't care how bad of a state he's in, I want to see him!" The nurses were trying to calm him down and, while they were distracted, I got up and went to the computer at the front. I searched up Gerards name, thinking back to the basement and how he'd have to be in the hospital considering the state he was in.

Right as I got his room number, the nurses had taken care of the guy from before and were now turning their attention to what I was doing. I took off down the hallway, searching for Room 455. I finally found it and opened the door warily, only to see the guy from before sitting next to Gerard, who was laying on the bed. He looked so pale and lifeless laying there, I almost didn't think he was alive.

"Who are you?" The guy next to him asked me as I stepped through the door. I only realised in that moment that I looked extremely suspicious with my head bandaged up and wearing a hospital gown. I probably looked like I was trying to escape or something.

"Well, I'm Gerards boyfriend. My ex is the one who did, uh, this to him." I said, gesturing towards Gerard. I shuffled on my feet nervously "Just call me Frank. Has he woken up yet?"

The guy shook his head "No, the doctors say he's in critical condition. They don't think that he'll wake up anytime soon." I walked up next to his bed. It seemed like so long since I had last seen him. He looked so different, so damaged "Gerard's told me a lot about you. I'm Mikey his first cousin, twice removed." Mikey stuck out his hand for me to shake.

I took it hesitantly "If you don't mind me asking, how exactly does that work?" I asked, glancing him over. He didn't seem to look anything like Gerard, and the curious family connections left me wondering if he was really who he said he was.

He furrowed his brow "It's kinda complicated. Basically, my parents are Gerards great-grand uncle and aunt." He explains "So technically, I'm older than him. But he always seems to treat me like a little brother anyway." I nodded, and we both fell into a heavy silence. I wondered how Gerard would react when I told him about the agency. I hadn't wanted to accept the job they offered me, but the money would have payed off some of my debt. And the mission they described was very vague and, well, curiosity got the better of me. And if I was going to date Gerard I didn't want any secrecy between us. But I guess I'm being hypocritical since I'm the one who joined a secret agency to keep an eye on him. Maybe I was just scared that something similar would happen with Gerard like it did with Marvin. Fuck, I really fucked up, didn't I? How could I let this happen? I should have kept a closer eye on him, I should have- "Frank?" I looked up at Mikey, snapping out of my daze "You're crying."

I hadn't even realised I was crying until he pointed it out. I wiped away at my eyes, feeling my nose get stuffy and my head start to ache "Sorry." I mumbled. Mikey didn't really seem that fazed by any of this, and just handed me some tissues so I could wipe my eyes. I didn't end up using them, but just clenched them desperately in my hands.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go." Mikey turned to me "Just... keep an eye on him for me, okay?" I nodded, to which he smiled and walked out the door. I was left alone with Gerard lying on the hospital bed, his small figure looking so weak. I put a hand on his arm. It felt like months since I had last seen him, and now I can't even speak to him properly because he's in such bad shape.

I silently wept and covered my face with mu arms. I just wanted him to be happy and safe. This should never have happened.

I should have never let it happen.

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