Chapter 6:but warms up as you sink to the bottom.

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The restaurant was nearly empty, including the seat in front of me as I swirled my straw in my drink. Frank was fifteen minutes late, and I was starting to worry if he was coming or not. I was dressed in my jean jacket on top of my rolling stones shirt with black jeans. It was the best outfit I could find in my closet, and I would hate to have all my preparation go to waste.

But just as I began to give up hope, I heard the door open and turned to look. It was, in fact, Frank and he looked absolutely stunning. He was wearing a leather jacket with a plain white shirt and skinny jeans. Already, he looked like the best thing I had seen in a good two hundred years.

I felt myself growing even more nervous with every step he took towards our table, and was suddenly wondering if I would say the right things. What if he didn't have a good time? What if he decided he wanted nothing to do with me? I took a breath and tried to calm myself down.

"Hey." I heard him say happily, and I looked at him from where he was sitting. I'd noticed that sometimes when people sit down, they look a bit taller sitting next to you. Frank definitely looked taller next to me, and even more so because I was so nervous. It was strange. I'd only ever considered him a bit shorter than me "You're staring." He giggled, and I blinked my eyes till everything came back into focus. I smiled myself.

"Do you really expect me not to?" I asked, and slightly brushed my leg against his under the table. There was a man that came in soon after Frank had, who was now staring at us a bit angrily. A homophobe, I guessed, and ignored it to watch the blush appear on Franks cheeks at my touch "So, how have you been?"

"Good. Sorry I'm late, I was a bit busy." Frank looked away from me, and I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it "But I'm taking online classes for college. I really wanna be a musician and online classes are cheaper. Plus, I don't have to go out of state."

"That's great. I didn't know you were still in school." I said, and realised how weird it probably was to word it like that. It made it sound like Frank was a lot younger than he really was. Although, he hadn't really specified how old he was "Come to think of it, how old are you?"

Frank smirked "Gerard, I wouldn't have said yes to this date if I was underage." He was right, it was stupid of me to ask that, of course he was over eighteen "I'm twenty-seven. Do you want to tell me your age, or are you going to let me assume you're a minor?"

I laughed, a bit too much maybe, but answered nonetheless "I'm six thousand years old, so I'm sure I'm well above the age of consent." And Frank laughed.

"Fine, don't tell me then."


Frank raised his hands in mock surrender, still smiling "It's fine if you don't want me to know. Twenty-seven already makes me feel old."

"Yeah, and six thousand makes me feel ancient." Frank laughed one more time before the waitress came over to take our orders. When she left, I turned back to Frank "But really, I'm serious about this. I really am six thousand years old. Well, really it's just an estimate, but it's hard to keep track some-"

"Prove it." Frank said, surprising me a bit at the forcefulness in his words. But nonetheless, he still had that playful smirk on his face "You probably have lots of old stuff, right? Let me see an artifact or something, and I'll believe you."

I had been hesitant before, but now I could barely keep my hand from shaking as I reached to the gold heart necklace around my neck. Frank ran his fingers over the rust as I handed it to him, mesmerized, but stopped him when he went to open the heart locket. He looked up at me "It's, um... It's personal."

"That's okay. I... I think I believe you." He smiled up at me "You're really six thousand years old." He said it like a statement, not a question, and was careful to make it not sound like that "What was it like back then? Did you meet any historical figures?"

All I could really focus on in that moment was him, so I had a hard time answering his question properly "Uh, maybe? I don't really remember that kind of stuff very well. Uuuhh... I witnessed Abraham Lincolns assassination?" Frank seemed really interested in this and asked questions about it for a while, mostly about some conspiracies surrounding it. Eventually, my answers just boiled down to 'He got shot and murdered, what else is there to say?' After that, our conversation went smoothly and I actually had a really nice time.

I went home that night smiling from ear to ear, but couldn't help but notice a car following me. As I tried to look at who it was, I caught a glimpse of their face and realised it was the guy who was staring at me and Frank back at the restaurant. I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment and quickly made my way inside the building, closing and locking my door behind me.

Out of fear, I called Frank and sat against the door with my knees against my chest. It was a minute or so until he picked up "Gerard? What's going on? Is something wrong?" I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally heard his voice on the other line.

"Frank! There's someone who followed me home, they were at the restaurant." I felt myself start to hyperventilate. What if he knew about me? What if this guy was working for the government and was trying to bring me back to their headquarters and test on me?

"Gerard, I need you to calm down." Frank said on the other line. His voice sounded so reassuring, I clung to it "I'm coming over, alright? I'll be right there, okay?" I heard the hurried jingling of keys as he spoke "Just keep talking to me, alright? Do you know this person? What do they look like?"

"T-They had brown hair and a huge scar across their face, I think." The phone went silent and I almost thought he had hung up until I noticed I still heard breathing "Frank? What's wrong?"

I heard him take a shaky breath, then say "It's Marvin. He's my ex." Upon hearing the name, I remembered that morning in the café when Frank was talking to him on the phone "He's crazy. He's been stalking me for a while, ever since we broke up. I really should have told you, I'm so sorry Gerard. But I'm coming, it'll be alright."

His words made so much sense. I hugged my legs closer to me, resting my head on my knees.

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