♡ Chapter Two ♡

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A few weeks have passed since I hung out with Sport and Dashie. Both me and Sport had things going on so we couldn't hang like we wanted to. But I knew we would be able to soon. Just had to give everyone time.

I got off of work early today so I decided I would surprise my boyfriend when he got home by already being there. He did let me have a spare house key after all. And in two weeks would be our 1 year anniversary and I couldn't be any more excited. This is the longest relationship I've ever been in and I'm starting to have hopes that Jamie's the one.

As I pull up to Jamie's house I notice that his car is already there. Oh, he must of got off early too then. But I wonder why he didn't tell me. I try not to let the thought bother me too much as I walk to the door of his house. As I pull on the door handle I find out that it's locked. Well, that's reasonable I guess.. Don't want anybody coming in here ya know. So I pull my key out and quietly unlock the door still wanting to surprise him if I could.

I quickly and quietly shut the door behind me when all of a sudden I hear a noise. I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. Is that.. Moaning? I kept telling myself I was just hearing things. He must be watching something on his computer since we still haven't done.. That. I'm just not ready for that yet and thankfully he understood so he must be watching something to pleasure himself. But the sounds seemed too real and too loud. So to numb my suspicion I quickly made it to Jamie's bedroom.

And froze.

I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing. My boyfriend. My supposedly "love of my life" on top of another girl in his bed. Naked. The second they heard me barge in, they quickly stopped.

“Oh shit, Autumn, I-” Jamie tried to stupidly explain.

I could feel the tears trying to form. But with all my might I tried to hold them in.

“Don't! Don't you even try to say anything!” I shouted while pointing.

I could clearly hear the pain in my voice. How? How could he do this? Why would he do this? I thought he loved me. But apparently I was wrong. I gained all my courage to ask this next question.

“So how long has this been going on huh??”

He looked down in defeat and mumbled, “4 months.”

When he said that, it felt like my heart fell out of my chest and shattered into the floor. After that I couldn't hold the tears anymore.

“4 months??? Are you kidding me?! We've been together for damn near a year! Does that not mean anything to you??”

After my shouting of anger the girl finally spoke up. She also had a look of anger and slapped Jamie's arm.

“Are you fucking kidding me Jamie? You said you were single?! Oh my God girl, I am so sorry. I had no idea. Let me get the hell out of here.” She said as she started to gather her clothes together.

Hearing that was my breaking point. I couldn't take anymore. I threw his house key on the floor and stormed out. Not daring to look back at all.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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