♡ Chapter Sixteen ♡

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*this chapter's gonna be a little lengthy*

A light tap on my shoulder and the sound of Dashie's voice slowly started to wake me up.

“Babe, we landed,” Dashie said to me softly.

I squinted my eyes open because of how bright the plane's lights were. “Really?” I asked groggily and yawning at the same time.

“Yep, you slept the whole flight,” he chuckled.

“Damn, I must have really been tired,” I giggled as well. I looked out the window to see that we really were back on the ground. The sky was a beautiful light blue with a few clouds in the sky. I couldn't believe we were finally in California, I've always wanted to come here.

After minutes of waiting, we were finally able to grab our luggage from above and work our way out of the plane. It felt so weird walking again after being asleep for so long.

When we made it inside the California airport, I saw Dashie grab his vlog camera once again.

“Bayum! We just arrived... in L. A,” he said to his camera, “In L. A,” he sung, making me giggle.

“I'm hungrierrr than a-,” Tpindell remarked when the camera was on him.

Dashie chuckled and asked “You hungry?”

“Hungrierrr,” Tpindell said again.

Dashie then pointed the camera towards me and asked, “How you feeling, babygirl? Very first time in Cali.”

“I'm pretty excited. But I will agree with T because I'm hungry as hell right now,” I laughed.

Dashie smiled and shut the camera off, “Well we better start making out way over to the hotel then.”

We were able to catch a cab to the hotel and we met up with most of Dashie's friends, some who I was meeting for the very first time. Tpindell is the only other friend of Dashie's that Ive gotten a chance to meet, so I'm happy I get to meet some more during this trip.

When we made it to the hotel, it was full of a lot of people, which I should expect since it's L. A and a convention was happening. After we checked in, we were able to find a small spot to wait for everyone else. While we were waiting, I noticed a familiar looking couple walking towards us.

“Dashie!!” the guy exclaimed and gave Dashie a bro handshake and a hug. He was pretty tall and had styled black hair while the girl was about my height and had long blonde hair that fell at her shoulders.

“What's good, man!” said Dashie

“Doin' good!” The guy noticed me and asked, “Who ya got here?”

Dashie smiled while looking at me and said, “This my girl, man.”

I couldn't help but smile and blush after he said that. Being called 'his girl' made me love him even more.

“Hi! I'm Autumn,” I said, feeling the need to finally say something.

He looked shocked, but happy. He quickly looked at me and back to Dashie and said, “No way!”

Dashie then put his arm around me and said, “Yeah, this my baby right here!”

“Wow I didn't know! I see you mah boy,” he said while patting Dashie on his arm.

As we were all standing, it finally hit me. These two are Prank vs Prank! I remember watching a few of their videos a while back. I didn't know Dashie was friends with them. Which I should have expected since Dashie's a YouTuber.

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