♡ Chapter Seven ♡

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As soon as I said Jamie's name, Dashie's mouth opened pretty wide but quickly closed.

I quietly and calmly asked, “Jamie, why are you at my house?”

“I just wanted to talk to you, Autumn.”

“Why? I thought you explained pretty well that day that you were done with me by messing around with someone else.”

“Look, can I just come in please?”

Dashie looked at me and I looked back since he was holding the door halfway closed.

I deeply inhaled and said, “Fine, but make it quick.”

Dashie slowly let Jamie in and quickly followed me back to the couch. He was acting really protective right now, and honestly? I was loving it.

“Um, does he have to be here?” Jamie asked, hinting towards Dashie.

“Last time I checked you are in MY  house so yes, he can be here if he wants,” I said with my arms crossed around my chest, already over the bullshit.

“Well, fine,” Jamie mumbled.

“Alright, you're here. What is it?” I asked annoyed.

“Look, I just wanted to say that I shouldn't have done you like that. I should have been more open, but for some dumb reason I kept everything to myself.”

“And you've come to tell me this now after almost a month?” I asked irritated and confused.

Why the fuck is he here?? My life was starting to get better and then he had to come back in it and mess things up once again.. I couldn't help but think in my head.

“Well I didn't know when else to come. And you have me blocked on everything so I didn't know what else to do. But you know what? It seems it doesn't matter anymore,” he said as his face started to fill with anger.

He looked at Dashie and asked, “So what? Are you like his little whore now or something?”

After Jamie said that, a nerve was ticked in Dashie, “Woahhh, bruh. What the fuck did you just call her?!” Dashie exclaimed as he started to lunge towards Jamie.

I was in the middle of both of them so I tried my best to keep them apart. Apparently, Jamie didn't care at all because he just seemed to say small things just to provoke Dashie even more. I tried my best to keep Dashie away from him because I cared a lot more about him than Jamie at the moment. I didn't want him fighting and possibly hurting his YouTube career.

After what seemed like forever I was finally able to calm Dashie down. I made sure to stay in between them to prevent anything else from happening.

“Both of you stop!”

“I'm sorry,Autumn, but I'm not finna sit here and let some dude disrespect you like that!” he looked at Jamie again and said, “Last time I checked, YOU were the one fucking somebody bruh!” he exclaimed really angry while breathing really heavy.

I tried my best to stay calm as well and I said to Dashie, “Dashie, stop. I got it okay? Calm down,” I said in a soothing tone, with both hands on his chest I could feel how fast his heart was beating.

He looked me in the eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I'm sorry.”

“Hey, it's not your fault.”

I then slowly turned around.

“Oh? So I'M the whore huh? Well at least I didn't fuck up a relationship like you did. So if you're going to bring nothing but negative energy to my house I am going to kindly ask you to leave before I call the cops and file a FUCKING restraining order!” I said with all the emotion I had.

Jamie looked like he wanted to say something else, but decided not too. He turned around and started to leave, but I had one last thing to say.

“Oh and Jamie? I would much rather be his whore than your girlfriend. Have a nice fucking day!” I said as I slammed my door.

As soon as I turned around Dashie was in front of me. And for some reason, I just busted out crying. And of course Dashie gave me a very long hug. We moved to the couch and I just bawled even more. I could feel him rubbing my back to comfort me and saying small things like, “it's okay”. I wanted to stay in his arms forever, but I eventually had to sit back up.

I wiped my eyes and tried to get myself together.

“Are you okay?” Dashie asked.

“Yeah... I think I am now. Just needed to get all of that out I guess,” I responded.

“I get it.”

“I am so sorry that happened. Of course he had to show up the day I invited you over,” I slightly laughed.

“Hey, it's not your fault. That was his choice to bring his ass over here. But maybe he'll leave you alone now.”

“I hope so. Because I am really considering that restraining order if he doesn't.”

I laughed at the thought. Filing a restraining order on my ex who I wasted a year of my life with. Hilarious.

I looked outside and saw that it was starting to get dark. Damn, time really did go by.

“Oh crap, it's getting dark I better take you home.”

Dashie looked out my window too and said, “Oh shit, yeah. Do you want me to drive? Give you a little break after.. all of that you know.”

“I guess you can if you want.”

I got up and went to grab my keys. I hated that Jamie had to ruin our hanging out time, but I was glad Dashie could come over for a little bit.

I handed Dashie my keys and said, “Here ya go.”

He grabbed them and said, “Why, thank you.”

We both got in my car and the ride back was just... chill. It wasn't awkward, but we both just listened to the radio music and silently enjoyed each other's company.

Dashie finally made it back to his house and parked my car.

“Welp. It's your turn to drive now, ” he said while looking at me.

I gave a half smile and said, “Oh noo. I liked being drove around.”

He laughed and we both got out of the car. As I made my way to the driver's side, Dashie waited for me.

“Hey, don't let him get to you, okay?” he said while staring into my eyes.

I nodded, “Don't worry, I'm never letting him hurt me again,” I said with full confidence and a smile.

Dashie smiled also and responded, “Good.”

We hugged one last time and I said, “Give BB a kiss for me.”

“Don't worry, I will.”

I smiled and started to get in my car.

“See ya later, slowpoke!” I shouted while Dashie was walking to his house.

I could see him let out a little laugh and waved me goodbye.

Then, I put my car in drive and started back to my house.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

This could have been better but 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope you guys enjoyed anyway lol

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