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Somewhere around 5 years ago

"Hey Y/N, why are you wearing a mask?"

Y/N look at her childhood friend with one of her brows raise. Y/N pull down her mask and gasp at her clueless friend.

"The news said the virus can infect anybody even if we are kids! And mama said that I should wear a mask to not get infect and... ", little Y/N pull out a little bottle from her side of school bag, shoving it to little Kita face.

"I should always put this thing after I touch something! Here have some!"

Y/N cute hands squeeze the little bottle and squirt some sanitizer on Kita's little palm when he realize what she was about to do. The smell of the sanitizer was weird but it does not make him feel disgust. Y/N squirt some more to one of her palm and put back the little sanitizer where her mama placed it before.

"Now you spread it all over both of your palm and you now clean!", she put out her sanitized hand. Kita's eyes sparkles at her method of cleaning.

Out of the blue, the boy beside Y/N's seat sneeze and she took out another little bottle at the side of her bag. Y/N pull out the cap and spray it to her table neighbor. The boy was flustered and somehow it make him sneeze some more. The boy decided to go to the toilet in order to avoid being sprayed again by the weird girl.

"Sheeesh! He was spreading germs to me!", Y/N spray some more of the liquid until only the smell of sanitizer filled her nose. Kita was surprised yet amazed when she pull out another product that was suppose to make them clean.

"Y/N what is that spray? It smell good than the thing you gave me earlier!", the little girl push the little bottle of spray towards her friend.

"This is also a sanitizer but a spray type! Mama said this one is easier to use! Mama have some more at home for me so I will give you one!"

The little Kita was more than thankful to get his hand on the cleaning thing from Y/N.

It was during the Influenza virus break out and Y/N was equipped with various type of product from her mama. Somehow Kita and Y/N always look out for each other especially about being clean since then.

Y/N turn out to be a germaphobe due to her mama being anxious of her baby girl being in danger either physically or health in everything she do. Although some of her friends avoided her so they won't be spray by her when they sneeze, cough or literally being near her, Kita never leave her side even when Y/N spray him too a few times.

A few years later, Y/N house

"Y/N dear, we can buy you as many sanitizers in London. Lets just leave them okay? We can't get all of them on the plane..."

Little Y/N frown as she was having one of the biggest conflict in her mind on whether to follow her mama's suggestion or simply cry out and beg her mama to bring her sanitizers. What concern her more is that she is leaving her best friend to another country for who knows how long. At the thought of her friend, her eyes light up and she tilt her head to the side as if a light bulb appear. Y/N jumps from her crouching with a few sanitizers bottle that her little hand fits.

"Mama Mama! Can I give this to Shinsuke? Please? At least I can meet him and tell him we are moving!"

"That's okay. At least we won't need to just throw away your sanitizers. And I have to give the key house to his mother too. Lets go", Mama Y/N held her precious daughter hand along with her remaining sanitizers. They first went to grab a paper bag, Y/N throw in her sanitizers into the paper bag. Mama Y/N led her to the outside, informing Papa Y/N when they see him at the porch.

Once they arrive at Kita's household, which was only a few steps from their front gate since they live literally across the street, Y/N run towards the front door and knock it as hard as her small fist could.

"Shinsuke! Open up fast! I have something to give you!"

Running footstep could be heard and the door finally open, revealing Kita Shinsuke still in his pyjamas.


"Oh Mrs L/N, why the sudden visit in the morning?", Kita's mom greet them first leaving Kita and his slowly closing mouth and a frown.

"Good morning Mrs Kita and Shinsuke,  actually I have something to discuss with you. Y/N dear, go play with Shinsuke outside will you?"

Kita's POV

"Yes Mama! Lets go Shinsuke!", Y/N grab the her best friend hand and go to the swing in his yard. Kita sit down on the other side of the swing that was occupied by his friend. Once Y/N saw Kita getting in a comfortable position, she shove the paper bag to Kita. Kita was surprised and look inside the paper bag.

"Why are you-"

"Happy birthday, Shinsuke!"

Ugh what is with people cutting me off!?

"Y/N, my birthday is this weekend. It's too early"

"I know! But Shinsuke... Ugh can I just call you Shin? Your name is too long for my tongue. Anyway, I might not able to celebrate your birthday this year so I'm giving you this as compensation. You don't need to buy sanitizers anymore for this year!", Y/N giggles as her feet move to swing the swing. (yo what to say lol)

"Its okay if you can't give it on my birthday, you can always give anothe-"

"I'm flying away Shin..."

Alright but what is wrong with you always cutting me off!?

"What do you mean flying away?"

"Mama told me we need to fly away to London! I'm going to fly in a plane Shin! But... I don't know when I will be back. My grandmama is gravely sick and got into hospital this morning. That's why I'm here. I don't want to not tell you that I am flying away..."

Why is she saying she is flying away... That somehow have a different meaning. She could have said she is moving or just fly or something.

Yet Kita's young mind is still trying to digest that he might lose his best friend. He was in silent until Y/N's Mama came out from the front door.

"Y/N dear, quick! We still have some things to pack. Say goodbye to Shinsuke"

Y/N was trying so hard not to cry that her forehead and mouth wrinkles which show off  a hideous face. Kita frown at it yet scoot closer to her and give her a hug.

"Stay healthy and take care. Don't forget me, Y/N. We can still write letters to each other right?", Y/N wrap her hands around her best friend, perhaps some of her tears already stain his pyjamas or maybe snots too.

"I will Shinsuke! Don't forget me too okay!? I will miss you lots!"

They exchange their final goodbye. Kita has a frown written on his face but he did not cry. He will definitely going to write her lots of letters.

But he forgot to ask one thing.

What was Y/N's address in London?

26/7/20 unedited¶
This was inspired by the time Influenza H1N1 break out during my elementary school year. And yes I turn out to be a germaphobe but it wasn't because of my mom lol.

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