Chapter 1

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A few years later

Kita did send her letters as he promised. He got her address once Y/N's arrive at London and called his house phone to updated him.

But that only last for a year after she settled down at London because the smart phone era erupts. Kita's grandmother bought him a flip phone in the last year of his middle school. Not only his grandmother but also his parents updated all about Y/N due to Kita told them every single time whenever they call each other.

Sadly, they rarely got to stay in touch as time goes by until it stop abruptly. A year after Y/N moved to London, her grandmama passed away on her sick bed. Y/N was affected the most because she was alone in her grandmama's house. And a year after that, her one and only hero, the backbone of her family, Y/N's Papa passed away.


It was another fine morning at Y/N's grandmama's house. Y/N and her grandmama was having their breakfast at the dining table of four. Her parents were out to the market to buy groceries for the month.

Due to sickness, Y/N grandmama could barely talk, walk or do anything. She was bedridden ever since she fell down the stairs and hospitalized a few years go. Luckily her neighbor found out and bring Y/N's grandmama to the hospital and inform Y/N's mama. Ever since then, Y/N's grandmama needed special care. There are times where the older woman have problems with breathing and they needed to rush to the hospital. Fortunately, grandmama's house was only 15 minutes drive.

"What else do you want to have grandmama? Just point it out and I will feed you!", it has been a routine for Y/N to fed her grandmama before she go to school. The elderly woman lift her right hand and pointed to a certain plate.

"You want chicken...? Are you sure?", Y/N was literally shocked especially when she knows, her grandmama dislike to eat chicken. For her love to the elderly, she simply scoop some fried chicken of her mother cooked earlier before they went out into her grandmama's plate.

Y/N pick the smallest piece with her chopstick and fed her grandmama. While the elderly take her time to chew the food, Y/N begin to fill her plate with some food for her breakfast.

At the corner of her eyes, Y/N saw that her grandmama stop chewing follow with a choking sound. As fast as she could, Y/N tries to scoop out the chicken piece that probably make the elderly choke. Once she retrieve the piece of food, she brought her grandmama to her bed which is only a few steps from the dining table.

The elderly legs gave out all of sudden which make both of them fall onto the bed just in time. Y/N was checking onto her grandmama again and find out that her grandmama is having a hard time to breathe. She lays the elderly on the bed and run towards the house phone to make a call to her Mama as fast as she could.

She rush back to the old woman on the bed and thought she need to do CPR but keep it mind when the doctor said it might break the elderly bones due to her physical condition. Y/N make the elderly body to sit and rub her chest to help her breathing all the while holding her grandmama's hands and silently pray.

A few minutes passed and the elderly regain her steady breathing. Y/N let out a sigh of relieved and was about to put her grandmama's to lay on the bed again but stop when she heard choking sound from the old woman.

Y/N panic and all she could do was looking at the elderly's face when she let out her last breath.

"G-Grandmama...?", Y/N squeak but received no respond from the person in her arms. Tears fill up her eyes and blurred her vision. A few seconds later, the front door open and her parents rush in. The trio stare at the lifeless body of an old woman, too shocked to say anything with tears falling down their cheeks.

Y/N's Papa was the first one to snapped out of it and called the neighbors to help.

A year after, Papa Y/N's decided that it is the time for them to go back to Japan for the sake of the family. Y/N's family were on their way to the airport when all of the sudden their car were hitted from the driver's side. Luckily Y/N and her Mama made it out alive except for her Papa. He was holding his wife's hand during the drive and still holding her hands when the ambulance retrieve their bodies out of the car.

However, Y/N fell in comatose state due to shocked of the crash and woke up with a memory loss.

Present Time

Kita never give up to contact Y/N and her family through calls, even send them letters but receive no reply. His family was worried about their old neighbors too for not being able to contact them for months. Y/N's Mama contact Mrs Kita and told them they were going back to Japan but haven't received any news since a few months ago. On the day Y/N's family suppose to land in Tokyo, Kita's family were excited and anxiously waiting for them for the whole evening until the night fall yet there is no sign of Y/N and her family.

Months passes by quickly, a knock was heard at Kita's household front door. Kita's mother walk to the door and open it, revealing a person they've been anxiously waiting for months.

"Mrs L/N? Is that you?", Kita's mother gasp and hold the other woman's hand in front of her.

"Yes... I'm sorry that I couldn't contact you at all. So many things happened...", Mama Y/N look behind her to her kids and signal them to greet their neighbor.

A little girl came out from her hiding behind her brother to greet the woman in front of her.

"I'm Nara the youngest... And this is my brother Natsu", the little siblings greeted their neighbor with a bow. Kita's mother was shocked and confused and stare back at her friend, looking for some explaination.

"But where is Y/N?"

"Lets sit down first, she will be here later"

Talking over tea and biscuits, Kita's mother found out that Y/N's mother remarried but her husband could not follow them to Japan for personal reasons. Hearing ruckus downstairs, Kita walk down the stairs in his casual clothes. Once he was at the last step of the stairs, a young lady greets and walk into the house with a mask.

"Come here Y/N, this is your best friend mother, and that boy there is your best friend. Remember? The boy name Kita Shinsuke?"

Kita was surprised by how Y/N's mother introduced him yet let himself sit beside his mother. Y/N take off her mask and wave her hand to Kita.

"I've read your letters but I don't know how to reply them", she look down and took a deep breath. Y/N look up again staring at him. Kita stare back at her dull eyes that felt familiar yet different waiting for her next word.

"I'm sorry, I can't remember you"

27/7/20 unedited¶

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