Chapter 17

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You groan and try to open your heavy eyes from a dreamless slumber. You heard someone call out your name faintly but your vision are still blurry, trying to adjust to the brightness. Another groan slip out of your mouth when a sudden pain spread all over your head as you blink, seeing a familiar face when your vision getting more clear.

"Shinsuke...?", you saw a small smile form on his face and you saw more familiar faces surround your bed. The nostalgic feeling of being in a room with all white filled your mind and clenched your heart, you could easily tell where you are in the white four walls and the others concern faces.

"L/N senpai!"

"Thank god you are awake..."


"Okay give me $10, told ya she will wake up today"

You shake your head, getting rid of the haziness and ache. When you try to sit, you felt the overfamiliar pair of hands help you as his soft breath tickles your cheek.

"Take it easy, you just woke up. Have some water", Kita help you to drink a glass of water, you did not realize how dry your throat were until you felt the sudden gush of liquid flood down your dry throat, making you cough softly while his hand rub your back.

"How-", Kita cut you off as if he could read your mind.

"You were out for two days, luckily the doctor said that it was nothing serious", you nod and ask for more water when you heard a knock from the door. The door to your ward open when a man in glasses that you assume a doctor with the way he dress came in with a nurse following behind.

They greet you and begin to check your pulses, your breathing and your eyes. With a smile on his face, you knew you were in a good condition. When he look down to your belly, that was when your memory of being pregnant flash in as you rub your slightly bloated belly. The doctor look at Kita as he write down something on his pad.

"Miss L/N is fine now but I suggest you to give her more food rich in vitamins and iron for her body. She faint due to fatigue and dehydration so I hope you will help her to take care of herself better", you and Kita nod as your hand rub your little baby bump. The doctor and the nurse congratulate you and wish for you to get better soon. He also inform that you could be discharge by today, making all the people in the small room let out a sigh of relieved and thank the doctor as they walk out. You felt Kita's warm hands on yours as he gave it a firm squeeze, a fond smile on his face as he look at you.

"I have something to tell you, my love", you give him a warm smile as you look at him where his hand reach out a paper or a photo? He put it on your lap and you gasp, your fingers run over the black and white ultrasound.

"I ask the doctor to print it out yesterday when they were checking on the baby, I mean babies? I guess we found out about our little miracle earlier than we planned", more ruckus go on in your ward room but you were too happy to scold the boys. The chaotic duo pushing each other face as they try to look at the ultrasound, making you laugh. You hand it over to them, telling them to be careful and not to tear the piece of paper.

"I'm a great-grandmother to a twins!", you heard a sudden cheerful scream, making you startled as you look behind Kita. His grandma walk over to you from the bench she was sitting behind Kita.

"G-Granny? You are here too?", you saw Kita's grandma push his grandson with her brute strength, taking up the space that your boyfriend was occupied earlier with a wide smile. Kita fall on his butt with a groan but get up by himself, frown and pouting at his beloved grandma as he stand beside the old woman.

"Shin has been visiting you because he was afraid you wouldn't wake up although I convince the boy that you are fine. I'm only here to send some food. Can't believe I got to hear good news right away", you smile as you felt her rough hands grasp yours, giving a firm squeeze.

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