Chapter 10

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The exam season has end for Inarizaki High students. With the national tournament coming up, the boys, mainly the three idiots of the second years suggested that they should go to the amusement park that just open at the other side of the town to celebrate. Atsumu asks Kita and Y/N to carpool with him and his brother as they are living in the same neighborhood. The amusement park was 30 minutes drive away, the twins mother agreed to drive them after Atsumu begging his mother with fake tears and tantrum while Osamu laughing and record everything. The brown hair twin send it to their group chat which make the whole members laugh and tease at Atsumu's way of persuading.

They are currently in the twins car, the radio was not turn on on purpose It would be useless when the sound of the twins bickering was louder than radio, said Mrs Miya. And now Y/N somehow regret being in the same car as them while Kita was trying his best to calm the twins, looking stressed sitting in between them at the backseat because he thought it might avoid them from arguing yet failed. Mrs Miya drop them off at the entrance of the amusement park and while they were bidding goodbye to the older woman, Atsumu was already running to the huge gate of the park, leaving the other three. Y/N laugh at the blonde twin giddiness and they walk to the huge gate to meet the others. Osamu spot his twin brother with the rest of the boys, they all run towards the group, waving and greeting each other.

"So what are we going to ride first?"

"Lets ride the roller-coaster!", Atsumu suggest, hands up high out of excitement.

"The first ride already extreme...", Suna sigh in tiredness.

"Well lets vote, we will ride the roller-coaster if majority but if not, we will ride which ever ride we found first. Raise your hand if you want to ride the roller-coaster", Atsumu, Osamu, Omimi, Ginjima and surprisingly Kita won the majority while the remainder groans. The twins make a race towards the roller-coaster, the others follow behind them. Kita notice that his girlfriend walking dejectedly and her face were turning pale by the second.

"You okay?", he grasp her hand, making her eyes staring into his.

"I guess I'm a little nervous because i never ride such extreme ride for as long as I know", he smile at her, lift her hand as he kiss her knuckles.

"Me too but I feel excited to ride it since it has been a long time I go to a amusement park", she smile weakly at his gesture, making her less tense as they follow the others. All the while they were in line, she gets more anxious while the others were chatting lively. Once it was their turn, they got to sit in the middle part and naturally she get to sit beside Kita, her legs were shaken as she try to get on the cart, luckily Kita got her before she trip herself. The boys were behind them, Atsumu yelling in excitement with his twin brother making the others laugh except her. The ride begin, she hold the handle as tight as she could, turning her knuckles slightly pale. Her heart beats faster as the cart go higher until it stop at the peak. When the cart move slowly and rapidly gain speed down the rail fast, defying gravity. She was already chanting religious words, praying that she would not fly away due to the force whereas her boyfriend enjoying the thrill of the ride, hands up in the air. She scream as loud as she could when the cart tilt to her side and she could practically saw how high she was up in the air, making her light-headed. The ride came to a stop after a few seconds, the boys get out of their seats, still feeling the after affect of the ride. Kita help her out, her legs losing strength as she lean on his chest. The boys look at her pale face and overall her shaken figure.

"Are you okay, Y/N?", Aran look at their manager in concern, the boys turn their attention to the girl while Kita sling one her arm on his, helping her walk.

"Y-Yes... That was my first extreme ride"

"Maybe we should ride something more calm and slow?", Suna look around and his eyes set on a suitable ride.

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