Birthday Special

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¦This chapter is a little sneak peak of the future. Actually I made this chapter as a present for my own birthday but I guess it's more like a present for Kita *wink wonk*. I'm getting older and another year closer to death. Oh I did reveal my real age in The Twins's Hybrid Mate. Cool fact, my birthday is the same with the one and only Michael Jackson but I'm 40 years younger.  I was trying to update more chapter before this 'scene' so it would be just a normal chapter but didn't have the time and motivation to do so lol. And guys, I also made Birthday Special chapters for the other two stories so check it out if ya have time.

Let me introduce Hara, Inarizaki's future manager and also your best friend in the future! Okayyy sorry for taking your precious time to read this so lets on with the chapter. Enjoy! ¦


You ask Kita to go first, telling him that you need to make a stop at the toilet first and you walk on the opposite direction. Earlier you text Hara to meet you at the rooftop to ask her about 'girl things'. Lately you've been feeling nauseous and you need to frequently go to the toilet to do number 1 which pissed you off. It's pretty tiring especially when you need to go to the toilet at school which is at the end of the hall. And during lunch earlier, you feel disgust of whatever was from the twins lunch, they claim that they only bring some tuna onigiri. You are getting tired from just climbing up the stairs, luckily Kita was there to help you. He would also carry your bag to school and when you go back home together. What makes you more guilty is when you just couldn't control your emotions. There was one day you yell at Kita just because he put vegetables in the fried rice although he knows you don't eat vegetables. The other day you snapped at Atsumu and call him yellow pissed hair just because he was bickering with his twin again. The boy cried, never expecting his favorite senpai to call him what his brother usually call him but you apologized to him the minute after with a green tea milk. You also realize that you are gaining weight and your not so flat tummy is slightly bulging and you thought it was because of your stress eating with all the studying for exams.

"Senpai? Are you okay? Why did you suddenly want to meet me at the rooftop?", you snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Hara's voice and greet her with a weak smile.

"Sorry to trouble you, Hara. I just want to ask you about something", the younger girl nod as if asking you to ask right away.

"Actually I've been... I don't know how to explain it. I get tired easily and moody. I also have the urge to pee often and my back hurt sometimes. My period is late too but I guess it's because of stress. I wanted to tell Shin but at the same time I don't want to worry him", you let out a sigh, you can already feel a headache coming.

"Anything else that you feel weird?"

"Ah.. Um I don't know how to say this but my breasts are sore and swollen. Also I gained weight like a lot and my belly is bloated? And I guess I'm just too embarrassed to tell this to Shinsuke", after a quiet moment and you get more anxious while looking at Hara's thinking face, her eyes finally widen and you heard a gasp.

"L/N senpai! You... You might be pregnant!", your eyes dilate, your hands instinctively went to your little bump. The truth is you have the same idea on your body changing but brush it off, thinking that it was just because of stress but hearing someone telling you that you're pregnant gives you mixed feeling. Happy yet scared, anticipating yet anxious.

"L/N senpai? I'm sorry! I shouldn't-"

"No no Hara. You might be right. I was thinking that that might be the case too but I thought I was just over thinking about it. Hara...can you help me?", she nod eagerly.

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