Chapter 12

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It was the last day of the national tournament. The day has come where Inarizaki will face the so called flightless crows, the volleyball club boys of Karasuno. Kita was anxious that their manager, his girlfriend is nowhere to be found but the announcer already call out their school name to enter. Both school players enter the gym, lining up to greet each other, shouting 'let's have a good game' but an announcement errupt.

"Both teams please sit at the side first and empty the court. There will be a special performance from Inarizaki's cheerleading club", murmurs and chattering filled the gym. The girls from the cheerleading club enter the gym, line up to the center of the court. The speaker blast a song as the girls disperse, revealing a girl in a different color of outfit from the rest but when they look closely who it was, all the volleyball boys of the Inarizaki gasp with surprise look on each of them.

"Why is L/N senpai wearing cheerleading outfit?"

"Is she the lead?"

"What is she doing?"

The cheerleaders dance in synchronize, sharp and mesmerizing with Y/N as the center of attention.

¬So let me tell you 'bout my little secret¬

You look into your boyfriend in the eyes as you wink at him, making him flustered.

¬I'm a little crazy underneath this
Underneath this¬

You lift up a your top a little, showing a little skin, eyes still on him. The crowd roars at your action, hyping you up. You can see his orbs turning darker, watching your every move.

¬You don't have to fit into the format¬

Your hands slides your body outline while moving your upper body left and right. Your boyfriend eyes went bigger, now glaring at you as the crowd goes wild.

¬So let me tell you 'bout my little secret
I'm a little crazy underneath this¬

You pull up your shirt again just above your navel.

¬Underneath this, ooh¬

Your hand lift up the top higher, showing a glimpse of your sport bra, making a little waves of your upper body and the crowd roars again and cheers, some boys blushed. Kita cross his arms on his chest, one of his hand on his chin, trying his best to keep his calm facade.

¬You don't have to fit into the format¬

Your hands slithering your body figure to the end of your skirt. The song has come to an end as you and the girls pose freestyle, the crowd gives another whoops and hollers. When the girls line up again to exit the gym, you walk to the boys, praise and whistles were thrown at you making you blush. A loud clapping from behind the boys making all of you look the owner, your boyfriend was staring at you with a dark aura surrounding him. The boys scatter to the court, starting their warm up. The announcer call the teams to start their warm up session and the game will start shortly. Kita grab your hand as he pulls you at the corner of the gym, slamming you against the wall.

"Are you teasing me? You've been making me jealous ever since our first match"

Since the first day of their tournament, boys from another school keep on hitting her up, asking for phone number and such. She tried to ignore them, telling them that she is not available but some were bold, pinning her against the wall and flirt with her. Luckily he was always nearby to diss them or shove them away from his girl. He was anxious that his girlfriend is so pretty that attract guys like a magnet. Kita has been madly jealous of other guys trying to make a pass to his girlfriend. He even ask his coach to sub him in one of their match just to spike a ball to the guy who flirt with her before their game. Even before their match, the second year duo of Karasuno trying to flirt with her but before they could, the duo sense his dark aura making them running back towards their group. And the all well known flirt, Oikawa trying to get her number but luckily the ace of Seijoh was there to take him away before Kita could kick his non-existent ass.

"I just ask the girls to dance with me to cheer you guys up though..."

"I know babe. I will hear you in bed"


All of them are in their home after a long ride from Tokyo to Hyogo. The 3 days tournament in Tokyo was exhausting not only for the boys but also to you as the manager. The rumors were right that Karasuno was strong and slowly taking out powerhouse school which include yours. You didn't cry like some of the boys did when you saw the final score but the feeling of being defeated is immense, breaking your heart seeing the boys so sullen of their lost. As the captain, your boyfriend was calm and reserve but you knew him better. Once the boys went out of the locker room that they provided for the club players, you saw Kita hung his head low. You approached and pull him into your embrace just in time as his tears flow down his cheek. You can feel your shirt getting wet but he needs you more than anything at this moment. Your hands on his head and back, rubbing up and down to let him cry his heart out. You circle your legs to his hips as you stradle him, your heart go weak seeing his tears stain face.

"You did great, captain. You all did great especially you, love", you cup his cheeks as you kiss his cheek stain tears. His sobbing calm a little as he open his eyes staring into yours.

"I know but what makes me more sad is that we're going to graduate soon and this will be my last match with them", he look like a baby frowning when their mom refuse to give them candy. You give him a lopsided smile, your hands wrapping on his neck, eyes still staring into his brown orbs.

"Even if you guys lost, I will still give you a reward, Shin. We better get going if you want your reward", you peck his quivering lips, he seems like he's already stop crying as he look at you, glimmers in his eyes. He pull you by the back of your neck and give you a french kiss before his phone ringing, a call from Atsumu. Kita accept the call and put it on loud speaker.

"Are you guys still in the room? The bus is here!"


The twins attack you first thing when you open the door to your house, making you stumble but luckily your grip was strong on the door frame. They were crying, snots and tears running down their face, whining out how much they miss you for the past days. You rub their heads, pulling them inside as you greet your mom. You ask the twins to let you go to take a shower, thankfully they release you or you're gonna flip them for rubbing their snots on you.

The shower was refreshing, knocks on your door startled you, fortunately you've done put on your clothes.

"nee-chan, lets eat dinner", you smile and nod at them. Each of the twin took one of your hand, walking down the stairs with you. The dinner was pleasant, although it was just 3 days but you miss your family. You pick up your plate and wash it. When your mom walk in, you turn to her.

"Mom, can I sleep over at Shin tonight?", she look at you, quite surprised of your request. She didn't say anything as she wash the dishes.

"They lost the last match with a school from Miyagi, Karasuno. And you know it's our last year so Shin was really sad about it and I already promised him that I will be sleeping over at his house since his grandma is not home too", your mom wipe her hands on her apron, looking at you as she smile softly.

"Of course, N/N. I will pack some food for him"

15/8/20 unedited¶
19/8/20 edited¶
25/8/20 edited¶

Next chapter might be a little spicy ;)

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