Chapter 15

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Being one of the top school along with the infamous Miya twins as the players, there were some first years even the second years hand in their form to be the next manager but when Y/N conduct a test, she found out that all the girls were only aftering the boys which making her stress out. What's worse is that she have been feeling unwell for the past few weeks, the boys were so worried looking at their manager weak figure especially that certain silver head but you tell them you are fine and they didn't ask prod more, they don't want to be yelled at like how you suddenly snapped at the blonde twin one day. [you may refer at Birthday Special chapter]. Who would have known that finding a girl who could actually be a manager was hard?

Luckily Y/N found Hara, a timid first year girl who she caught looking over the boys during practice from the windows. Hara wasn't one of the contestants but Y/N always notice her watching the boys practice and taking notes. And she confront her one day, the first year girl was so scared that she was caught but did not expect that Y/N would ask her to be their next manager.

"No senpai... I don't think I can and I don't think I'm qualified to be a manager...", the girl pull out her hands, waving it as she shake her head.

The third year smile and ask the timid girl a few questions about volleyball such as positions, points and even the girls preferred position which the first year find it weird but answer her nonchalantly. Y/N was quite impressed with the girl's knowledge and shove not so hard the form to the girl's chest, making her startled.

"I will be waiting for your answer, miss-"

"F-Fujioka Hara-", Y/N nods and pat her shoulder with a delicate smile.

"I will wait for your answer Fujioka Hara", and Y/N walk back into the gym, making the first year speechless. After a few days, a classmate of yours call out to you, informing you that someone is looking for you outside the class and then you saw the timid girl again, holding onto a piece of paper, making you grin. Hara came to your class to hand in the form shakingly to be the club's manager. Y/N's eyes lights up when she saw the girl filled the form.

"I guess I will give it a try..."

You ask her to lunch with you and the boys which Hara at first refuse but agree with she saw your puppy eyes. When the bell rings, you ask Kita to go first because you need to meet someone. You were quite startled when you saw Hara in front of your class as she wave at you shyly. You greet her, grab her hand and drag her to the rooftop. You push open the door to the rooftop with brute strength, making it let out a loud bang to the wall, earning shriek and gasp from the boys. The boys were looking at you skeptically and their face turn confused when their eyes land on a timid girl following behind you. The two girls make way to the group of boys, you sit beside Kita while Hara sit in between you and Atsumu. Her body trembled in nervousness as she clutch on her lunch box. You chuckle as you sling your arm on her still trembling body.

"This is Fujioka Hara and will be your next manager so please be nice to her especially you Atsumu!", you glare at the blonde twin, making his breath hitch. He put his hand on his chest where his heart suppose to be, being the usual dramatic guy.

"Eh why me? I'm always nice to girls!", the group laugh at Atsumu's whining. You lean to Hara's ear, asking her to introduce herself.

"Nice to m-meet you! I'm Fujioka Hara! Please just call me Hara. Please take care of me!", the boys greeted her warm and welcoming while introducing themselves to the new member. The lunch group just become more chaotic and merrier. When they are done having their lunch, Y/N offer to walk Hara back to her class.

"I'm sorry if the twins are... overwhelming but I guess they are also the reason why our club are always lively", during lunch, the twins saw Hara's lunch box full of cute characters made out of food that she prepare herself, making the timid girl quiver in fear seeing two towers suddenly surrounding her. Hara is a nice girl so she decided to share her cute bento with the twins. The twins were scolded by their captain after lunch with 10 extra laps for practice.

"It's o-okay. My siblings fight a lot too so I'm used to it"

"Hey, Hara. Can I ask you something?", Hara look at Y/N and nod her head slowly.

"Why didn't you just come into the gym to watch their practices? And I also saw you taking notes. What are they for?", Hara halt her step as she play with the end of her skirt.

"I like v-volleyball! But I can't play it because of my health. I want to be their manager but when I saw your test, I was a-afraid...", Y/N smile, the girl is cute with all her stuttering as she pat the timid girl's back.

"Welcome to the club, Hara"


It was the day when Kita pass his jersey to the next captain, Atsumu. The blonde was crying hard while hugging his favorite senpai whereas Y/N hand over a file to Hara, making the first year the official new manager of Inarizaki's Volleyball Club. The remaining members along with the new first years members bow to the third years, wishing them luck. It was messy, messy in tears and snots. Even Y/N was sniffing silently but Kita was there to calm her down. Like normal days, Kita and his girlfriend would walk home together, hand in hand but today she's being extra... clingy. After the team know about her pregnancy, they were so excited and happy for the couple. The twins also started spouting names for the unborn child, making you chuckle and told them you will think about their name suggestions. Kita felt her tears on the back of his shirt as she sobbing, her face at his back as he carried her on his back.

"Honey, it's not like you won't be seeing them at all", she hug his neck, still sobbing, her nose is already blocked and she try her best to talk.

"I know! But I'm going to miss them either way. They are my first friends when I came here", she nuzzle her face into his neck, he lean his head on her as he continue walking towards her house.

"Hey babe, does your mom know about your condition?", he could feel her breath hitch and a frown etch on her face.

"Not yet... I-I don't know how to spill it to her", he give her a reassuring squeeze on her thighs that he was supporting her with as he nod.

"That's okay. Lets figure out a plan together", she nuzzle her face to his neck more and nod, making him giggle as her hair brushing on his skin making him feel ticklish as they walk happily, feeling each other body heat while the sun is setting.

31/8/20 unedited¶

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