I'm sick (part2)

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Morning has arrived at Takagi's house
Nishkata woke up early and began to cook some breakfast

"Ok.." Nishkata said

"Bento and some milk."

Nishkata woke up takagi

"Yes Nishkata?" Takagi said

"Let's eat.  After all I need to give you some medication here" Nishkata said as he fed her a spoon with medicine"

"Thanks" takagi said blushing a bit

"Its alright after all I need to take care of you" Nishkata said blushing a bit

They went down and ate the bento with milk

"It's good today is a holiday." Nishkata said

"Hey Nishkata. You know there is a fireworks festival soon?" Takagi said

"Well yeah. But I'm not going to leave you" Nishkata said

"Are you sure?" Takagi said blushing a bit

"Well yeah. after all I need to take care of you so you can be healthy quickly"
Nishkata said

"Thank you Nishkata" takagi said

"Yeah... I mean I really am worried about you" he said making takagi blushes

"I mean!"Nishkata reliazing what he said

"You're my best friend so as a friend I need.to take care of you." Nishkata said

As they finished breakfast Nishkata brought takagi back to her bed

"Hey Nishkata I'm a bit dizzy" takagi said

"AH!" Nishkata screamed while rushing to get her some medication

"Well umm here" Nishkata said while giving her some medication

"Thanks I'm feeling a bit better

"You should rest now.. I will wake you up later ok?" Nishkata said worried

"O..ok" takagi said nervously as she went to sleep again

As takagi fell asleep Nishkata decided to look around her house

"Her house really nice" he thought
"Wait... What is this?"

He found a book. It was dusty and seemed pretty old. The cover says

"This has to be her photo album" he said

He decided to look around the pictures. After a few hours he had. Looked at all of takagi-san pictures.

"Huh she is so cute when she was a kid"he said

"But... This picture is familiar."
Nishkata said as he grabbed her picture in kindergarten

Suddenly Takagi woke up and saw Nishkata

"Nishkata?" Takagi asked
"What are you doing?"

Nishkata panicked a bit before calming himself.

"I'm just looking at your old pictures"
Nishkata said

"Really? Ah I forgot about that book"
Takagi said

"Are you feeling better?" Nishkata asked

"I feel like I'm  almost cured" takagi said

"Let's cook something together?" Nishkata asked blushing a bit

Nishkata and takagi went to the kitchen and cooked some chicken steak

"Is it good?" Nishkata asked

"It's really good!" Takagi said.

After they ate their dinner they went to go to sleep

"Goodnight Nishkata" takagi said

"Wait Takagi look!" Nishkata said

Takagi looked at the window to see fireworks flaring up.

"I never thought we could see them." Nishkata said

"I guess we were lucky huh?" Takagi said

She then laid her head on his shoulder before Nishkata said

"Hey uhmm.. takagi?"

"Yes Nishkata?"

"Do.. do you like me?" Nishkata asked

Takagi startled a bit by his bold move finally calmed down before saying

"Why would you say that?" She asked

"Well... I just thought.. nevermind.." Nishkata said as he looked away

"Wait.. Nishkata I actually like you!" Takagi said without thinking.

"You.. you do?" Nishkata asked a bit confused

"I always liked you you know? Since we met" takagi said getting a bit flustered


"If you weren't so dense you would have known by know" she said

"Oh.. sorry for taking so long to.." Nishkata said before being cut off by takagi kissing him

"Don't say sorry. Just love me"

Well.. I'm finished with this fanfiction give me another idea and I will try to make them!


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