I'm jealous

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Ok! So this is not actually a request but I decided to make it anyways
So... Hope you guys ok with that?


It was just a normal day at school. Takagi was still teasing Nishkata until..

"Alright class.. we have one new student. Come in please" the teacher said

"Hello my name is cavera" a girl stepped in and bowing her head

Everybody gasped at how beautiful she was.

" Alright cavera? How about you introduce yourself?" The teacher said

"I'm from tokyo. And I came here for education. I have a brother who is studying in the Hokkaido prefecture and i have been living in Japan for 6 years"

"Alright. Cavera you can seat in front of Nishkata"

As cavera sits in front of Nishkata takagi had a sense of unease as they began to talk

Takagi had always tried to be normal even when she is jealous so she didn't do anything

*At the end of school*

"Hey Nishkata? Wanna walk home together?" Takagi asked

"Uhm.. no. I want to talk to cavera* he said making Takagi's heart break

"Oh.. well ok" takagi said as she waved goodbye

"Who is that girl?" Takagi asked herself

"Why is she here?" Takagi thought

As the days went on things got even worse. Nishkata slowly stooped talking to her. And one time he hold cavera's hand! She was losing her mind because of this

"Hey Nishkata?" Takagi  asked

"Yes takagi?" Nishkata replied

"Why have you been ignoring me?" Takagi asked with tears about to roll qut of her eyes

"Oh. Uhm cavera is actually a pretty close friend" Nishkata replied nervously

"Can.. we go somewhere tomorrow? I want to ask you something important" takagi asked

"How about 3 more days?" Nishkata replied.

Takagi can only agree. Hoping she could finally confess. But she decided to try to spy on Nishkata to figure qut what he was doing.

"yo cavera?" Nishkata said

"What is it?" Cavera asked

"I think takagi is getting a bit jealous?"
Nishkata replied

"Really? I guess you've been ignoring her for a few days.. how about you talk to her again?" Cavera replied

"Alright then." Nishkata said

Takagi was still listening to their conversation about romance and stuff like that until"

"So Nishkata? When are you planning to confess anyway?" Cavera asked

Takagi a bit startled by the question continue to listen

"I don't know.. she is really pretty and a lot of boys like her too..  she is also pretty popular and very kind.." Nishkata said making takagi wonder who she is

"C'mon!" Cavera said
"She teased you everyday!" Cavera said
Giving takagi a bit off hope.

Well I'm just afraid you know? What if she thinks I'm weird?" Nishkata replied

"Well just try. It's not going to make a lot of difference" cavera replied

"Well alright then" Nishkata said

"As they both left takagi stood up and was about to walk away until..."

"Takagi?! What are you doing here?"
Nishkata asked

"Hey uhm.. well uh I was just.." takagi at a lost of words

"It's alright.. you wanna walk home together?" Nishkata asked

Takagi agreed and began to walk home. She was mainly silent trying to figure qut who did he like

"Takagi?" Nishkata asked trying to get her attention

"AH! Yes?" Ask takagi surprised a bit

"You were spacing off.."Nishkata said

"I know.. it's just I have a lot on my mind" takagi replied

"Oh well.. tomorrow is a holiday. Wanna go somewhere together?" Nishkata asked making takagi pause for a second.

"Uhmm sure" she said turning red

"Alright then! See you tomorrow" Nishkata said with a smile at his face

*Morning again!*

As morning rises on Takagi's house
She woke up full of energy!

She immediately got ready to meet Nishkata.  And she went by off to meet him

"Hello Nishkata!" Takagi said. Nishkata replied by waving his hand

"So..? Where are we going?" Takagi asked

"We're going to the mall! Nishkata said

As they arrived at the mall they had a lot of fun. They shopped. Played in the arcade and ate dinner together

"Hey takagi-san? Can we go to the park?" Nishkata asked

"Uhmm ok?" Takagi replied

They went to the park nearby in silence until Nishkata spoke

"Look. In the last few days you've been acting really weird. What's going on? Oke getting really worried" Nishkata said

"Well uhm I'm just a bit unease"takagi replied. But Nishkata knew she lied

"Hey Nishkata.. can you tell me who's that cavera girl?" Takagi asked looking away

"Wait.. is she jealous?" Nishkata thought

"Well.. she's an old friend. I've not met her in YEARS. And I was just talking to her about her life.. and how she got a boyfriend. Nishkata said

Takagi after hearing those words felt easy. At least she knew she wouldn't still her crush.

"So.. is there anything else you were talking about her?" Takagi asked

"Well yes.." Nishkata said blushing

"Oh what is it?", Takagi asked

"Well you see I actually kinda like someone in Qur class.. and I kinda asked her how to confess" Nishkata replied

"Who is this girl?" Takagi getting jealous

"Uhm.. it's you" Nishkata mumbled but takagi still heard it

"Wait.. WHAT?!" Takagi said shocked

"I like you Takagi! Will you go Qut with me" Nishkata said turning red

Takagi was relieved knowing he loved her back. Finally she nodded her head and said


As night risen around them they kissed each other just like any couple would.

All the jealousy. Scary,and worries disappeared.

They were finally together after a bitter start


welp. Hope you guys enjoy the story
I was actually supposed to release this like 10 hours ago so yeah..

Welp see you SOON!

Ps: I really suck at naming people. So sorry if the name is weird. Like my name as well so. Forgive me

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