the beach

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Summer has arrived. And with it. Summer holidays! And the end of the year.

"Finally!" Nishkata said
"I finally can have a brake!"

"Wow. You're happy because of Holidays huh?" Takagi asked

"Of course! It's the time of the year where there is no homework!" Nishkata said back

"You know.. if school continues I will tease you more"takagi said making Nishkata red

"Stop teasing me!" Nishkata shouted angrily

As they exit their school. Takagi looked down. It was almost their third year. Suddenly someone touched takagi's shoulder

"Oy? You alright?" Nishkata asked takagi

"Yeah.. it's nothing." Takagi replied

"You sure..?" Nishkata responded

"Yes.." takagi said a bit sad

As they walked together. They barely talked. So Nishkata decided to try to talk

"So... Where are you going for the holidays?" Nishkata asked

"Well.. not anywhere really?" Takagi replied sadly

"Well.. wanna meet up? Tomorrow maybe?" Nishkata asked slightly blushing

"So.. you want to spend time with me?" Takagi asked

"Yeah.." Nishkata said blushing

"Sure.. so how about the beach?" Takagi asked

"Sure?" Nishkata replied

"Great see you soon!" Takagi said seperating from him


With the holidays now upon them. Nishkata and takagi met up and went to the beach nearby. It was quite big. And crowded

"Alright so I'm going to change my clothes. Don't peek or I'll call you a pervert!" Takagi said to Nishkata making him blush

"I would never!" Nishkata screamed

Takagi went in the change room while Nishkata also went to change his clothes.. after a few minutes he came out and waited for takagi

"I'm done." Nishkata heard.

Takagi went out of the changing room in her swimsuit. Nishkata blushed but just went along.

"So? What do you want to do?" Takagi asked

"Let's just go swim in the sea." Nishkata replied. Takagi agreed and they both went to the ocean

"The water is warm." Nishkata said as he out his foot in the water

"Yeah." Takagi replied

They went to the sea. They went to a less crowded area because the beach was crowded.

"The beach is packed!" Nishkata told takagi

"Yeah. But this place is quite private"
Takagi replied

"Yeah.." Nishkata replied blushing a bit

"Let's play a game!" Takagi replied

"Really? Again?" Nishkata asked while he sighed

"C'MON it's fun!" Takagi replied

"Fine what is i.."

Nishkata suddenly got his face sprayed with water

"WATER FIGHT!" Takagi screamed

"HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR" Nishkata screamed back

He swam towards takagi trying to get revenge

"Take that!"Nishkata said splashing water to takagi

"AH!" Takagi screamed and chased him back

After things calmed down they decided to go up again

"So? What do you want to do?" Takagi asked

"How about volleyball?" Nishkata suggested

"Sure!" Takagi replied

(Wait. I don't know how to play volleyball. So... Google)

Nishkata thrown the ball to takagi's area only to be countered

"Ah! God darn it!" Nishkata shouted as the ball landed in his court

"Hey good game" Takagi replied

"Yeah.. it's getting late?" Nishkata asked

"Yeah.. uhm.. want to eat dinner?" Takagi asked blushing a bit

"Oh.. yeah sure!" Nishkata replied

They both entered a small seafood restaurant

"Hello. What can I get you?" The waiter asked

"I would like some salmon sushi."
Nishkata said

"I will take some fish soup." Takagi replied

"Alright. It will be ready soon"

After a few minutes the food finally arrived

"Hm.. the food is good." Nishkata said

"Yeah.. it is really good!" Takagi replied

"Hey.. can you feed me?" Takagi asked

Nishkata blushed before suddenly nodding

"Wait.. he AGREED?! Is he sick?!" Takagi thought

Nishkata grabbed his sushi and put it into her mouth.

"How is it?" Nishkata asked

"Its good." Takagi replied
"Here I will feed you" takagi said while giving him some soup.

Nishkata ate the soup. And smiled
Slightly blushing

"It's good. Thanks!" Nishkata replied

They both blushes after Nishkata said that. It was quite akward but fine.
They both came out the restaurant and looked at the moon

"The moon is beautiful." Nishkata said

"Yeah.." takagi replied

Nishkata then mumbled something before turning red. And looking away

"Are you.. alright" takagi asked

"Yeah.." Nishkata replied

Nishkata actually mumbled
"The moon is beautiful just like you."
But he blushed immediately and looked away in embarrassment.

So.. I will leave the ending to you!
Anyways hope you enjoy and see you SOON!

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