Nishkata... (part 2)

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First the author


Here we go!.

So I have a question should I end this story and make a new one? Or... Just stick with this.

Takagi was now sitting next to Nishkata. He was in a coma.
She still remember the horrible day. And he was going to go through another surgery soon.

Nishkata's parents weren't in Japan. So they couldn't visit their kid. Takagi's parents were also busy. She was just sitting around waiting for him to wake up

"Ta.. takagi?" Nishkata said weakly

"Nishkata!. Rest first!" Takagi said. Startled a bit

"What Happened to me?" Nishkata asked Nishkata asked

"Well.. you got stabbed. When you tried to save me.." takagi said feeling guilty

"I'm glad you're safe" Nishkata said before passing Qut

Takagi just cried. Hoping he would survive. Soon the doctor operated on him

"takagi?" Said the doctor

"Yes doctor? How is he?" Takagi asked

"He. Is ok. The surgery was well.. " the doctor said

Takagi smiled with a sense of relief that he was safe and alive

"But..." The doctor said making her sad again

"He will need assistance.. he can't move his leg. And he will suffer a lot of pain." The doctor said

"So.. I will take care of him?" Takagi asked

"Yes. You are his closet relative right now. So you must take care of him." The doctor said

As Nishkata was brought qut of the surgery room. Takagi. Walked by him holding his hand.

"Takagi?" Nishkata asked

"Oh. Nishkata. Yeah." Takagi looked away blushing

"So... What happened?" Nishkata asked takagi

"Well the surgery is successful." Takagi said

"But..  you can't move your leg. So I will be your assistant!" Takagi said

"Oh.. is it really ok?", Nishkata asked looking away blushing

"Yeah.. it's kinda my fault after all..."
Takagi asked having flashbacks

"No.. don't blame yourself!" Nishkata said trying to comfort her

As the day went on. Takagi stayed by Nishkata all day laughing and teasing with him. And he just enjoyed it

*A few days later*

Takagi was now living with Nishkata. As his assistant. But more like wife.
They were going to school together. As a couple

"Let's go!" Nishkata said.

"Ok. Be patient" takagi said back

Takagi pushed a wheelchair to Nishkata. Because he can't move his leg he always needs someone to help him.

"So.. how are you today?" Takagi asked looking guilty

"I'm doing better. I can move my leg a bit.. I should recover fast!" Trying to cheer her up

"It's just you know..?" Takagi said holding guilt

" I told you is not your fault!" Nishkata said

"And I it was.. I will still love you!" Nishkata said making takagi blushes

"Thanks.." Takagi asked

As they enter class. Everyone gasped while looking at Nishkata

"What happened?" The teacher said.

"Well.. let's just say.. I had an accident" Nishkata said

"Yeah.." takagi said

They both sat down at their chair just studying


As lunch went bye takagi tool Nishkata to the roof because his friends wanted to eat there

"So.. Nishkata what really happened?"
Hamaguchi said

Nishkata sighed before explaining everything to all his friends. All his friends immediately was shocked

"So... You got stabbed?" Yukari asked

" Yeah. But I'm better!" Nishkata said

"Damn dude I don't know how you handle the pain?" Hamaguchi said

"Well.. I had experience.. but yeah"

*Le bell ring*

"Well gotta go to class!" Nishkata said

As class ends Qur couple walked home together. Enjoying the scenery
This time. All their friends followed them home

"So? This is your route home?" Hamaguchi asked

"Yeah. We ussualy split. And have a lot of games" Nishkata said
remembering the games

"Well bye guys!" Said Takagi

As their friends walked away they went inside and freshen up

Going to sleep together. Hugging each other. Smiling.


welp it's finished. Next time I will be doing request

Also. Do you think is should just stop writing? Tell me

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