im here

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*so... Yeah this story is the last chapter but instead Nishkata actually got rejected from the highschool. And lost contact with takagi. But not his love!"

Also thanks to

For suggesting this to me in the comments!

Let's begin

It's been 3 years.

3 years since Nishkata heard Takagi's voice. He went to the Hokkaido prefecture for highschool. He studied hard hoping to go to Tokyo

"Hm.. I wonder what she's doing."
Nishkata asked himself

"Probably if she was here she will tease me." Nishkata thought laughing a bit. Remembering his time in middle school

But now was not the time. He was going to Tokyo. He had finished highschool and was accepted to Tokyo University. He smiled as he got on board the train.

"Tokyo. Here I come!" Nishkata thought to himself

Takagi was now sitting at her room. She had just arrived into her new apartment nearby her University.

"Ah.. finally." Takagi thought to herself

Takagi had always missed Nishkata. The one person who made her laugh and the one she loved.

"Hm.. I do miss him. I should talk to him soon." Takagi thought

She stepped out of her University. And went to the park nearby.

*Back to Nishkata!*

Nishkata stepped his foot in Tokyo. He couldn't believe his eyes. He was at Tokyo!

"Holy moly?! This place is big!"

He stepped outside of the train station. He then got to a taxi to go to his dormitory.

"This place is.. BIG I'm going to akibahara after this!" Nishkata thought to himself.

He didn't had a lot of money so he had to rent a small room in the apartment. Small yet cheap and practical

"Alright. I think I will look around!"
Nishkata thought

He looked around the university. There was a library, a poll,. A gym, and a cafe.

"Wow. Hey is this a park?" Nishkata asked seeing the map

He found himself at the park. He looked around before going back in. He had gotten pretty tired and school was tomorrow after all..


"AH IM LATE!"Nishkata screamed as he took a shower and frantically got ready

He ran straight to the university

"Hello sir. My name is Nishkata. I'm new here." Nishkata said to the teacher

"Ah Nishkata. Come here. Let's introduce yourself to the class.
The teacher said

"Alright." Nishkata responded

"Alright everyone there is a new student. Please respect him. Please come in." The teacher said

Nishkata came to the classroom and introduced himself

"Hello my name is nishkata" he said as he bowed down

"I'm from.." his speech was suddenly disrupted by someone

"N.. Nishkata?" A girl rose from her chair

"Takagi?!" Nishkata asked in disbelief

"So it seems like you guys know each other. So Nishkata how about you sit next to her?"

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