Are you joking?

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Well... I'm probably going to upload less often just because I have a sh*t ton of homeworks... I might screenshot it I will always do my best to write stories down.

It was just another day at school.. Nishkata teased as always. And takagi laughing and enjoying time with her crush..

Takagi-san:hey Nishkata?

Nishkata: yeah?

Takagi-san: would you mind going to the shrine later?. I want to ask you something

"Why would she want to go to the shrine?" Nishkata thought but still agreed

*Time skip!*

It was the end of the day. Nishkata and takagi were now walking to the shrine together

*At the shrine*

Nishkata:so..? What do you wanna ask?

Takagi: well can I borrow your eraser tomorrow?


"yeah what were you thinking hmm?"
Takagi said smirking

"You know what?! Your teasing has gone too far! Good bye!" Nishkata shouted

Takagi instantly realized she had went too far. But it was too late

Nishkata already left

She went home crying the whole way. Knowing she had just lost her crush forever.

Her parents weren't home so she cried for hours. It was already noon when suddenly


the bell rang

She got up from her sobbing mess and wiped her tears. And went to the door

"Hello?" Takagi asked as she opened the doors. Suddenly two arms hugged her as she opened the doors

"Takagi?" A familiar voice called her which startled her. This voice was her one and only


"Nishkata I'm sorry for teasing you so much!" Takagi said crying

"No. I'm sorry for yelling at you I should have known.."

"Known?" Takagi asked

"I saw you crying on your way home. I felt guilty for yelling at you so I was going to apologise. But just didn't have the courage" Nishkata explained

'im just glad you forgived me" takagi said

"No.. im glad you forgived me."Nishkata said back

"Hey.. can we go to the tree tomorrow? I uhm... Want to ask something" Nishkata asked turning all
Takagi noises agreeing

As they both went to bed they smiled with calm and happiness

The morning arrived. Both woke up preapering to meet at the tree

*At the tree*

"So Nishkata what did you want to talk about?" Takagi said

"Well.. yesterday.. I kinda realized something" Nishkata said going red

"Something?.." takagi asked confused

"Look takagi.. you have been one of my closest friends... Even if you tease me 100 times..  so." Nishkata

"So?.." takagi asked even more confused

"Will.. you go Qut with me?" Nishkata said with all his might

"I.. uhm.." takagi was at a lost of words until she finally said


"Really?"Nishkata asked smiling

"Of course!"

After that they went for a kiss..


Welp I gotta sleep it's 12 pm here so.. if it's suck dont blame me

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