Field trip!

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I'm done with exams! The result are....

Hope you enjoy the story!

Nishkata was sitting in class before the teacher said that they were going on a field trip.

"Alright class. Soon we will have a field trip. So prepare yourself."
The teacher said

"A field trip?." Nishkata thought

"This is great! A chance to get back at her!" Nishkata thought

"Looks like you were thinking about something" takagi interrupted

'AH!. Don't startle me!" Nishkata replied making takagi laugh

"So? We're you thinking about me?"
Takagi said making him blush

"No..." Nishkata said

"Really?"takagi replied making him blush more

"Yeah..." Nishkata replied

"Alright then. I can't wait!" Takagi said to Nishkata

As the day of the field trip comes. Nishkata and takagi arrived at school.


"Alright everyone!, Today is the field trip!" Yukari said to them

"Alright! So?" Mina

"Operation Nishkata x takagi! Is a go!"
Yukari said

"Time to sail the ship!" Houju shouted

As everyone went got to their place.
The bus arrives. Everyone knew what to do.

" Hey teacher.. everyone said that they had a seat.. is there any empty one? Nishkata asked as he ran around the bus.

"Ah. Just sit next to takagi" the teacher said making him blush

"Is there..? No more seats?" Nishkata asked

"No. Now please seat. We're late." The teacher said

Nishkata arrived at Takagi's seat.

"Hey takagi san" said Nishkata blushing..

"Nishkata?" Takagi asked surprised

"Can.. I sit next to you?" Nishkata asked turning red

"Uhm sure." Takagi said back

Takagi never thought Nishkata would ask. But now he sat next to her. She was slightly red but covered it

As the bus ran. Nishkata looked at the window

"Ah! She will tease me!" Nishkata thought to himself

Suddenly he felt something on his shoulder. He immediately turned red when he saw takagi sleeping at his shoulder

"DARN YOU TAKAGI SAN!" Nishkata thought

Even though he was red. He decided to sleep to pass the time.

*A few hours later*

"Hm.. eh?" Takagi said waking up. She instantly turned red when she saw Nishkata sleeping on her head. She lifted his head slowly.

"Eh.? Takagi?" Nishkata asked confused

"Ah! Uh.. you fell asleep on me so I just lifted you up. Making him red

They stayed silent for the rest of the trip. Until the bus stopped

"Alright everyone. We're here. For now we will have a few hours if free time. We will have dinner at 7!"
The teacher said

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