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OK. this is a really dark chapter. That may or may not offend or inappropriate for young users

Anyways let's get into this.. dark story

The day was dark and Stormy. Many kids were kidnapped in Nishkata's area. And it was not nice.

Recently hamaguchi and houju was kidnapped near the school. Tensions were high as the remaining students attend class.

Now 6 students were kidnapped. And everyone was terrified. The school was now surrounded by police. Who guarded the school.

Now the kidnapped were
And yukari.

The school was now more empty than it used to be. Everyone scared. The teacher came in.

"I know you all are scared of the situation. But we need To stay calm"
The teacher said

Suddenly a police officer came in.

"Excuse me. But can I find a Nishkata?" The police officer said

Nishkata stood up

"That would be me sir." Nishkata said

"We would like to have a talk. Please come with us." The police officer said

Nishkata came out of the room. Takagi wondered where he could have been. But kept her focus

But takagi noticed something wrong. Nishkata was now out for an hour and they didn't know where he could have went.

And they thought about one thing.

"Could he really be?" Takagi asked herself quietly

Soon the school was over. And the class came out to see no police. They thought the police might have temporarily left

*The next day.*

It's as if Takagi's fear came true. Nishkata had not returned to class. They wondered what really happened to him.


Nishkata knew leaving his friends suddenly while there was kidnapping around his town would bring panic.

But it was for the towns good.

"Mr. Nishkata we know you're the strongest person in class. So we would like to give you a job" the police officer said

"You're saying? I.." Nishkata said

"Yes. You will be kidnapped but I promise you will be alright." The policeman said

"But.." Nishkata hesitated

"Remember this is for your friends."
The police officer said

"Alright then. I'm ready." Nishkata said determined

"Alright we will train you for a while."
The police officer said

He got into the police car. It was secretive so he couldn't tell anyone. Including his family

There he learned how to shoot a pistol. Learned how to do marshall arts. And preapared himself with pain.

*1 week later.*

Nishkata was now walking around the street. And just on time the van arrived

The van stopped and kidnapped him

"Is he unconscious?" A voice said

"Yes. Let's go!" Another voice said

Little did they know Nishkata carried a tracker and a secret camera. Recording.

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