winter in mt.fuji

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Nishkata was sitting at his class. Winter holidays were coming very soon. And he was wondering his winter holiday.

"Winter holidays!" Nishkata thought h

Nishkata always loved holidays. Including winter. He always liked playing in the snow.

"Nishkata? What are you thinking about?" Takagi asked

"Ah takagi San. Where are you going for in winter?" Nishkata asked

"I don't know.. my parents say it was a surprise." Takagi answered back

"Where are you going?" Takagi asked back

"I don't really know.. maybe I'll be stuck at home. Nishkata replied

" So.. yeah... Nishkata asked

Before they knew it class ended. they
Seperated at the road and walked to their homes

"Ok Nishkata. I know you have always wanted this.... We're going to MT. FUJI!" His dad said to him

"Really?" Nishkata asked

"Of course. Now pack your backs. We're going tomorrow." His mom said to him

Nishkata packed his clothes and necessities.

"Tomorrow is going to be fun!"
Nishkata thought

Suddenly his phone rang.

"Takagi San?" Nishkata asked

He grabbed and answered

"Yo. What's up?" Nishkata asked

"My parents are bringing me to MT Fuji!" Takagi said excitingly

"Wait... MT. FUJI?!" Nishkata shouted

"Yeah! What's with the screaming though?" Takagi asked

"I. I'm going to MT.fuji too.." Nishkata replied shyly

"Really? That's great! Alright then see you there!"

"Yeah... Bye." Nishkata then hung up.

"HOW?!" Nishkata asked himself

"Tomorrow will never end.." Nishkata thought

He slept in his bed. Waiting for the day to come


"Nishkata woke up. Remembering what day it was. He got ready. Took a shower. And prepared for  a week of holiday.

"*Sigh* I can't believe Takagi is following me!" Nishkata thought

"The only thing that can ruin this whole thing!" Nishkata thought.

"Nishkata let's go!" His dad said

"I'm coming!" Nishkata came down and got into the car

He and his family arrived at the train station. Where suddenly he heard someone's voice

"Nishkata?" He heard

He looked back only to saw takagi!.

"Takagi san?!" Nishkata said

"You.. are riding  the morning train?"
Nishkata asked

"Yeah. Why?" Takagi asked

"I thought you would take the afternoon train" Nishkata replied

"Well. My dad says it's better to take the morning train. So yeah.." takagi

"Oh. Well where are your parents?"
Nishkata asked

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