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Today had been a very snowy day.
Winter had came and with it. The snow and coldness

Nishkata and takagi had been walking to school together as usual

"Man! It's so cold!" Nishkata said

"Yeah.. but it's still warm enough to go to school"

"I really wish school is closed. So I can watch anime or read manga." Nishkata responded

"We need to study you know? That's why we go to school!" Takagi said

"Yeah... I guess you do have a point."

As they arrived at school. The gate was closed and a sign Sayed that school was closed for a few days

"YES! I can go back home and read manga again" Nishkata said

"Well I wish school actually openned"
Takagi said looking at Nishkata

"Why though?", Nishkata asked

"So I can tease you a lot more!" Takagi responded making Nishkata blush

"Let's go home" Nishkata said to takagi

As they walked pass the road to go home Nishkata found his path blocked by a MOUNTAIN of snow

"Darn it!" Nishkata yelled

"Well... Since your way is blocked. How about you come to my house"
Takagi said smiling mischievously

"Well..." Nishkata said hesitating

"Should I just go? If I go. She will tease me. If I stay here I will freeze!"

"Fine" Nishkata said to takagi

As Nishkata and takagi arrived at her house. He putted his shoes on the rack. And went inside

"Your house is really tidy." Nishkata said

"Yeah. We clean and tidy it up every day" takagi said

"Wanna go to my room?" Takagi asked Nishkata

"Uhm. Sure?" Nishkata hesitated

"Let's go" takagi said to Nishkata

Nishkata and takagi walked up the stairs and went to her room.

"Your room is really clean! And tidy"
Nishkata said making takagi blush a bit

"Thanks. So how about we watch a movie?" Takagi asked Nishkata

"Sure!" Nishkata said to takagi

"How about you pick? You're good at picking movies?" Nishkata said to takagi.

"What should I choose?. Ah this is good!" Takagi thought as he grabbed a romantic movie

"Here a romance story!" Takagi said to Nishkata making Nishkata blush

"Romance?" Nishkata said to takagi turning all red

"Aw c'mon! It's fine" takagi said to Nishkata

"Alright then I'll make some popcorn"
Nishkata said to takagi

They covered themselves with a blanket and watched the whole movie

"That was nice huh?" Takagi asked Nishkata

"Yeah. It was really funny. But also romantic" Nishkata said to takagi still very red

"Well. I'm going home now!" Nishkata said to takagi

"Wait!" Takagi said to Nishkata while pointing at the window. It was covered completely with snow

"I guess you're stuck with me for today"takagi said mischievously

"Uh well.. im just going to tell my parents."

Nishkata told his parents where he was and Sayed that he was going to have a sleepover

"So.. what do you want to eat for dinner?" Takagi asked Nishkata

"I can't really cook.." Nishkata said to takagi.

"Don't worry! I will make us something,!"

Takagi cooked some beef steak and presented it to Nishkata

"Wow thanks takagi!" Nishkata said smiling to takagi

"Well no problem!" Takagi said hiding her blush

After finishing his meal. He complimented takagi's cooking making her blush

"Uhm.? Takagi are you ok?" Nishkata asked takagi

"Ah! Uh.. sorry I was just spacing qut"
Takagi said to Nishkata

As the day passed Nishkata and takagi decided to play games. They played super Mario Bros and went to bed

"So? Where do I sleep?" Nishkata asked takagi

"Well my bed of course!"takagi said to Nishkata

"WHA? You have nothing else?!" Nishkata shouted

"Well.. my bed is big enough for both of us" takagi said to Nishkata

"Alright then" Nishkata said to takagi as he laid his body on the bed

As night pass Nishkata couldn't sleep. He was just rolling around and around until takagi suddenly hugged him

"Eh?! Hmm... I shouldn't wake her up. I should just sleep" he said to himself before falling asleep

Morning arrived at Takagi's house. The snow had considerably had melted.

" Hi Nishkata" said Takagi waking him up

"What is it takagi?" Nishkata asked takagi

"It's your turn to take a shower. Hurry up!" Takagi said to Nishkata

"Alright alright" Nishkata said to takagi

As Nishkata went to the bathroom a pink mail came qut of Nishkata's bag

"Hey? Is this a love letter?" Takagi asked herself. But her heart broke thingking it was for someone else
Until she looked at the letter carefully and read it

"Hello takagi. I wanted to talk to you about something at the back of the school."

Takagi startled by the letter paused for a second before she heard something

"Takagi?! Why are you reading that?!"
Nishkata said to takagi turning all red

"Well I.. u.. uhm" Takagi was at a lost of words

"Did.. you read it" Nishkata asked looking away

"Well yeah.." takagi said burning

"So.. what did you want to talk about?" Takagi asked silently

"Well.. I uh I like you" Nishkata said silently

"You like me?" Takagi said shocked

"Yeah.. so Takagi? Will you go Qut with me?" Nishkata asked takagi hoping her to say yes

"Of course!" Takagi said hugging Nishkata

As the my broke away from their hug they smiled. Happy because they finally told their feeling

It was a special day for them... All thanks to winter

Thanks for reading my trash again!
And I wish you all happiness and security!

Cya guys soon!

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