cooking contest

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It was a normal day. Nishkata and takagi were walking together back home

"Hey Nishkata." Takagi said

"What?" Nishkata replied

"Well.. I want to invite you to a couple's cooking contest!" Takagi said.

"Wait. Couple?!"Nishkata said blushing while his face turned red

"We're not a couple!", Nishkata shouted

"And even if we were. I can't even cook." Nishkata said

"C'mon I will teach you! If we win. We will share the prize ok?" Takagi said back

"Well fine. But we're not a couple!"
Nishkata said

"Yet..." Nishkata thought

Nishkata had actually planned to confess to takagi. He wanted a flower
To give to takagi while he confessed
(You know.. to be romantic) but since the flower is expensive he can't afford it.

"So I will teach you tomorrow ok?" Takagi replied

"Oh! Yeah alright!" Nishkata said smiling


Nishkata arrived at Takagi's house and entered

"So.. takagi what are we going to make?" Nishkata asked

"How about a heart shaped chocolate cake!" Takagi said excited

Nishkata's face turned red. But he nodded in agreement.

Please wait while I search in google.
'How to make a good chocolate cake?"

"So here's the recipe!"

This is actually a cake recipe so just skip this part

Add flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, salt and espresso powder to a bowl.

Put the bowl of a stand mixer. Whisk through to combine or, using your paddle attachment, stir through flour mixture until combined well.

Add milk, vegetable oil, eggs, and vanilla to flour mixture and mix together on medium speed until well combined

Distribute cake batter evenly between the two prepared cake pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes, remove from the pan and cool completely

"Alright! Let's get cooking!" Nishkata said excited

Nishkata  mixed the ingredients.
While takagi putted in the ingredients And then gave the cake batter. Then it was time to put in the oven

"Alright! Done! Now we wait for 35 minutes!" Nishkata said

"Well we sure made a huge mess" takagi said

"Yeah. I will clean up!" Nishkata replied

"I'm helping!" Takagi replied

"No. Just take a break. You need rest"
Nishkata replied

"But.." takagi replied blushing slightly

Before she finished her Sentence. Nishkata grabbed the broom. An began cleaning

Takagi decided to take a shower. While Nishkata was cleaning up

*Time skip*

The timer rang. And Nishkata went and got the cake.

"This smells good!" Nishkata thought

Since takagi was still showering
(I mean.. girls do take long showers. am I wrong? If it offended you. I'm sorry)

karakai jouzu no takagi san oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora