studying together

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It was almost the end of the year. School tests were coming. And Nishkata was going to go to high school.

"Ah! Why can't I do this?!" Nishkata thought to himself.

He was confused on where to go. Since he couldn't pick which high school to go to

"Hey Nishkata. What's wrong?" Takagi asked

"Ah takagi San. I.. uh I don't know which highschool to go to.." Nishkata replied.

"Why you don't go to mine?" Takagi asked

Nishkata blushed a bit

"Uhm.. I don't know? Which highschool are you going to?"
Nishkata asked

"Kokusai high school." Takagi replied

"WHAT?!" Nishkata shouted
"I can't follow you! It's so hard!"

"C'mon just try. I'll teach you!" Takagi said

Nishkata turned even more red

"You serious?" Nishkata asked

"Of course. When am I joking?" Takagi asked

"Fine. But it's not because I want to go with you!" Nishkata said turning redder

"Sure" takagi replied slightly laughing

Nishkata signed up for the entrance exam. And got ready for the exam

"So.. when are we studying?" Nishkata asked already red

"Tomorrow! We will study math first!"
Takagi replied

"Ok then.." Nishkata replied

"It's going to be a long day tomorrow"
Nishkata thought

As they went home and slept they thought about their highschool.

*Good morning!*

Nishkata woke up early and got ready to study. He packed his backpack and walked to takagi's house

"*Sigh* why did I do this?" Nishkata asked to himself

As he arrived at Takagi's house he rang the bell. And the door opens but no one was there

"Hey? Takagi San?" Nishkata asked

"BOO!" Takagi screamed behind the door

"AH! DARN YOU TAKAGI!" Nishkata screamed angrily

"You never learn!" Takagi said laughing

*Hmph. Let's just study!" Nishkata said as he closed the door

"Ok then" takagi said smiling

"Ok let's study In my room" takagi said

"Wha.. wha? Why?" Nishkata asked red

"What's wrong with that?" Takagi asked

"Nothing. Let's go." Nishkata said blushing

They both entered Takagi's room

"Your room is very clean" Nishkata said

"Thanks. I always clean my room" takagi replied

"Alright let's study at the desk"
Nishkata said as he putted his books down on the table .
Takagi putted her book down and openned it.

"So.. what is the material?" Nishkata asked

"Let's do this one" takagi replied

"Alright first to solve it wins." Nishkata said

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