shopping and dinner

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Finally. A happy story.

Nishkata was sitting in his room reading manga. He sat happily reading the 20.vol of 100% unrequited love.

"Nishkata?" His mom asked

"Yes mom?" Nishkata asked back

"Can you come here?" His mom asked

"Sure." Nishkata said as he went downstairs

"What is it?" Nishkata asked

"We're out of rice. Can you buy it in the market store?" Nishkata's mom asked

"Alright then." Nishkata said as he grabbed the money his mom gave.

"Also take your time." His mom said

"Take my time? What does she meant by that?" Nishkata asked

(Y'all know what it means)

As Nishkata came out of the house. He walked to the market nearby. And met someone interesting in the intersection

"Hello Nishkata." Takagi said

"Hey takagi? Fancy meeting you here"
Nishkata said back to her

"Where are you going?" Nishkata asked

"The market. My parents ran out of rice " takagi said

"Really me too. Let's go together."
Nishkata said

"Sure." Takagi said


Nishkata arrived at the market with takagi. They immediately went to the rice shop.

"Hello young man. What would you buy?" The vendor asked

"I would like to buy 1 kilogram of rice." Nishkata said

"It's for you and your girlfriend?" The vendor asked making Nishkata blush

"NO! We're just friends." Nishkata said to the vendor

"Yeah. Also I would like 1 kg of rice too." Takagi said to the vendor

"Alright then. please wait"
The vendor said as he went to the backroom.

"So.. want to stay along a bit longer?"
Takagi asked to takagi

"Wha.. how about our parents?" Nishkata asked trying to avoid answering

"I already called my mom. How about you?" Takagi asked

"Ok.. give me a second."

Nishkata dialed his mother's phone number and called her

"Hello mom." Nishkata said

"Yes Nishkata? Is there anything wrong?" Nishkata's mom asked

"Uh.. I can I stay here for longer.. I met takagi" Nishkata said blushing already

"So.. you want to spend time with your girlfriend?" Nishkata's mom asked

Nishkata's face turned as red as the tomato.

"NO. It's just I want to hang out with her." Nishkata said

"Yeah sure. Anyways it's alright. See you at home." Nishkata's mom said. Then she closed the phone.

"She said it's alright. So let's look around the market." Nishkata said to takagi

"Let's go." Takagi said as she began walking

As they walked around the market they found a takoyaki stall.

"Do you want to eat some takoyaki?" Takagi asked

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