⚝Chapter Five⚝

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Everyday that she spent in the swamp, Konno would explore a little more of the area. She wanted to know where she was in the swamp, especially if she saw any more hallucinations. She didn't want to end up being lost in there without her items and food. 

She glanced around slowly at the scenery. To her left was a large tree that towered above every other tree. She could barely see around the trunk, it was that wide. The branches hung off of it and they covered the sky from her point of view. She pressed her palms into the trunk for a second. A sort of peace spread through her body after she let go.

Konno took a second to take in how the sunlight filtered through the canopy. It's soft glow penetrated the water in wavy lines. It reminded her of locks of hair, gently moving to and fro with the small breeze. However, the longer she stared, the more it started nagging at her. Who did it look like? A face had joined the rays of light, and she gasped. Suddenly, she was back to that night. Her skin pimpled with the freezing air - or was it her thoughts that provided the cold? It had gotten very quiet as Yue's body fell limp to the ground. That changed when Eimi screamed.

Konno tore herself away from the memory. She wasn't Eimi anymore. She was the broken version of her old self, without all her walls to take care of her fragile heart. She thought they were rigid and solid, yet they were also fluid. They allowed things to enter into her heart that were destined to hurt her. 

She took a quick glance back at the light. It didn't resemble hair anymore. It resembled the rope that was loosely wrapped around her neck, ready to grab hold if she ever jumped. Her own face stared up at her, but it was fractured. Those eyes that met hers didn't look like her own. Yet they were. They were just dimmer, dull to the pain. She didn't think she could ever get rid of the pain.

Night was starting to fall, and she needed to get back to her tree. She didn't trust being out at night, especially with a fragile mind. Taking a right, she traveled through the swamp. She usually stuck to dry land, but she had to traverse through the low water. Her feet got stuck in the mud at one point, and she had to take time to pull them out. When she looked up, she was surprised to see two men pointing weapons at her.

"I din' think anyone was traveling around our area," the taller, skinnier man said to the shorter one. "Did you, Tho?"

"No," Tho answered. 

Konno wondered why they wore leaves as clothes. Did they not own any cloth? They stared at her quizzically, too. She didn't like how they looked at her, so she took off running. However, before she could slip into the trees, water wrapped around her arms and pulled her to the ground hard. She gasped for air as he her head went under, and panic rose up in her body. She writhed and kicked around, trying to get above water.

Suddenly, Konno was pulled up, and her head broke above the water. She gasped, taking in as much air as she could. She never wanted to go back under water. It reminded her of a different time. And this time, Sokka wasn't there to save her.

"There's no need for you to be afraid," the thin man said. 

"I'm not afraid of you," Konno said harshly. She pushed her dark, soaking hair out of her face and stared up at the two men. A whip of water wrapped around her legs, making her stay put. "Now, let go of me."

"What do you think, Due?" Tho asked, glancing at his friend. "Should we?"

"She looks hungry, Tho."

"That she does."

"Do you want supper?" Due asked, looking at her. 


"Come on. Let's eat."

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