⚝Chapter Nine⚝

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The past few days had been pretty hectic with Katara, Sokka, and Aang. After Sokka begged her to stay, Aang technically went to jail because of something his past life did. He had to prove himself to the town, and after he did that, the people who woke them up that day attacked. To Konno's surprise, Sokka got his boomerang back after fighting with the firebenders. He seemed much happier with it back.

Now, the four of them were in Gaoling, a city in the southern part of the Earth Kingdom. Mountains rose above the outskirts of the city, reaching toward the heavens with clawed fingers. Each fingertip punctured the blue sky. Lacerations in the sky seemed to grow as clouds floated lazily near the claws. Sunlight reflected on the tips of the claws, creating a glare across Konno's line of sight whenever she looked up.

The sounds of people who lived regular lives filled her ears at the small market where they had stopped. Some people chatted to each other about the unusually warm weather in the early summer while others bartered with merchants, arguing that the shoes should cost less money because they were scuffed. The soft sunlight filtered through the market and cast a glow against each and every person that ambled around. 

Suddenly, a person slammed into Konno's shoulder. He gave her a dirty look before stalking away. She hadn't realized she was staring up at the sky, mesmerized by the clouds that drifted across the blue sky. She glanced around and saw Sokka and Aang standing near a table, looking at a bag. Katara stood off to the side. Momo sat on her shoulder, and he chattered something. Konno made her way over to Katara and said, "Why did you wander off without me?"

Katara looked up from the shirt she was looking at. A frown creased her cheeks before recognition lit up her soft blue eyes. "I'm sorry," she said. "I thought you were right behind me."

"I got distracted."

A sly smile lifted Katara's lips up. "By what? Sokka?"

Heat rushed to Konno's cheeks at that statement. She could barely meet Katara's eyes as she answered, "Of course not. Why would you say that?"

Katara laughed; the sound sent a soft jet warmth through her body. It had been a long time since she heard someone laugh. She enjoyed the sound of laughter because it reminded her of being little without a care in the world. "Whatever you say, Konno," Katara said, still smiling. "What do you think about this shirt?"

She lifted up a purple shirt, holding it against her body. It hung a little lower than her hips, and the sleeves billowed out at the wrists. "It's pretty," Konno said with a nod. 

"I'll get it for you."

She didn't expect to hear that. She thought Katara was going to buy it for herself, not for Konno. "What?"

"It's a gift from me to you."

Konno immediately shook her head. A twang of guilt ran through her. She didn't want these people to waste their money on her. "No. I'm fine. I have my clothes from home and these clothes I'm wearing. I don't need another shirt."

Katara sighed and dropped the shirt onto the table. "Konno, you don't have to feel bad about me doing this for you. I want to do it. You're not making me do it."

Konno shrugged, fingering the material. It was soft as it touched her skin. "I guess you could get it for me. But if I don't wear it, you can have it. I'm pretty sure we're the same size."

"That's a good idea!"

Katara gave the woman a few coins and pulled the shirt off of the table. She handed it to Konno, who stuffed it into her bag. They strolled through the open air shop together and looked at a few tables along the way. With a glance behind her, Konno saw Sokka still standing at a table, looking at something. Aang sat on the floor near him with a bored look on his face.

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