⚝Chapter Twenty Five⚝

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Konno paced across the floor in the house in Ba Sing Se. She had no idea how to get Katara back. She couldn't go find her friends, either, because they were in different places. Toph was somewhere in the city while the boys were out of the city. She wouldn't be able to find Toph at all because Ba Sing Se was so large. All she had was Momo, and she was not going to fight those girls with just Momo.

If only she could waterbend. If she could waterbend, she could've helped Katara. Her mother had said that she was blessed by the Water Spirit, but why wasn't she a waterbender? Nothing about that made sense. Nothing about her life made sense.

Konno collapsed onto one of the cushions in the living room, covering her face with her hands. How could she let Katara get taken? Katara would've done anything to get Konno back, and she had to repay her best friend by letting those girls take her. She knew that she couldn't fight but she could've tried. She should've. 

Momo hopped onto Konno's shoulder, scaring her slightly. She pet the lemur and he chattered softly in her ear. "We're going to be okay, Momo," she said. "I don't know about Katara, though." She sighed, laying down on the cool ground. Momo curled up next to her. "I'm sure she can take care of herself."

She sighed and stared up at the ceiling. She had no idea what to do. There was no way that she could go see the Earth King because he thought that those three ladies were the real Kyoshi warriors. She couldn't go to anyone because there was no one she knew here. 

However, Konno wasn't alone. Not fully.

She peered out of the window at the sky. The moon hadn't peeked out yet, but she knew Yue was listening. "Hey, Yue," she said. "Could you watch over Katara? She got taken by some bad people earlier, and I did nothing to help. She can probably take care of herself, but I'm really worried. I don't want her to get hurt and it be my fault."

A small breeze blew through the open window, curling through her hair that was sprawled underneath her. The salty smell of the ocean wafted in with the breeze, and Konno smiled softly. "Thanks for listening, Yue," she whispered. "I love you so much."

Suddenly, a wave of exhaustion crashed over her head. Her eyes fluttered shut as the wave took her deeper under the water. She couldn't stay awake at all.

Chattering and chirping entered Konno's half-asleep state of mind

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Chattering and chirping entered Konno's half-asleep state of mind. She flipped to her side and let out a sigh. It seemed like her eyes wouldn't open at all, but she didn't mind. Sleep was tugging her back to it's welcoming arms, and she fell into its deep embrace.

Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder, bringing her back to the land of the living. Konno's heart felt like it was racing as fast as it could, so she lashed out with her hand. Her mind thought that there were monsters around. It didn't know that all of the monsters were in her head.

"Konno, it's just me," Sokka whispered, his voice breaking through the fog in her mind. "You don't have to be afraid."

Her eyes flashed open and took in his worried face. He touched her shoulder, helping her sit up. "When did you guys get here?" she asked. She took a deep breath.

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