⚝Chapter Twenty Four⚝

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After the Dai Li arrested Long Feng, Konno and the rest of her friends went back to the palace with the Earth King. He was seated on his throne, his pet bear sitting at his feet. 

"I want to thank you, young heroes, for opening my eyes," he said with a grateful nod. "All this time, what I thought was a great metropolis, was merely a city of fools, and that makes me the king fool." He buried his face in one of his hands. "We're at war with the Fire Nation."

Sokka stepped forward. "That's why we came to Ba Sing Se, Your Highness. Because we think you can help us end the war."

"We don't have much time," Aang said earnestly. "There's a comet coming this summer. Its energy will give the firebenders unbelievable strength. They'll be unstoppable."

"But there is hope," Sokka continued. Konno couldn't help but think he looked so adorable as he talked about his plan to the Earth King. However, they hadn't spoken since they had talked about their relationship earlier. "The sun will be entirely blocked out by the moon, and the firebenders will be helpless."

"What are you suggesting, Sokka?" the Earth King asked, leaning forward intently.

"That's the day we need to invade the Fire Nation," Sokka said, his voice dark. "The Day of Black Sun." Chills spread down Konno's spine at his words. For some reason, she felt like something was going to happen that day, but she wasn't sure what it was. Hopefully it would be something good. 

"I don't know," the Earth King said apprehensively. "That would require moving troops out of Ba Sing Se. We'd be completely vulnerable."

"You're already vulnerable," Sokka replied with a roll of his eyes. "The Fire Nation won't stop until Ba Sing Se falls. You can either sit back and wait for that to happen, or take the offensive, and give yourself a fighting chance."

"Very well," the King said after considering his options for a minute. "You have my support."

Konno smiled while the rest of the group cheered. She hadn't realized that Sokka was a great persuader. He had presented the facts in such a way that made the Earth King see the truth. 

Suddenly, Sokka pulled her into a hug with Toph and Katara while Aang circled them on an air scooter. His arm was wrapped around her waist, causing her mind to shut off for a second. He pressed his head against hers quickly before they all separated.

"Your Majesty," a man said, entering the throne room. Konno thought she had seem him before, but her mind was still a little fuzzy because Sokka hadn't fully let go of her yet. "I apologize for the interruption."

"This is General How," the Earth King said to the others. "He's the leader of the Council of Five, my highest ranking generals."

"We searched Long Feng's office," General How said. "I think we found something that will interest everybody."

The Earth King and General How ushered the group to Long Feng's office, and they all stood around the desk in Long Feng's private study. Konno stood in between Katara and Sokka as a guardsman carried a small ornate chest to them. The guardsman slid the box across the desk to the Earth King before departing.

"There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se," General How said. "Including you kids."

"Secret files?" Aang asked.

The Earth King lifted a rolled up scroll out of the chest. "Toph Beifong."

Katara took the scroll and unfurled it. "It's a letter from your mom. She's here in the city, and she wants to see you."

Toph's face lighted up in surprise, but her tone was something different. "Long Feng intercepted our letters from home? That's just sad."

The Earth King handed another scroll to Aang. "Avatar."

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