⚝Chapter Seven⚝

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Konno wanted to run back to her tree and hide. She knew this swamp was dangerous. Why did she have to listen to Navrek and go? She should've trusted her gut. She knew what she could handle, and she couldn't handle this swamp. It was hard enough seeing the visions of Yue and Navrek. This was almost as bad.

Sokka seemed to have the same thoughts as he grabbed Konno's hand and took off running. Their feet splashed through the water with each step. And with each step, the Warrior was slowly disappearing. It didn't want to fight. It didn't know how to fight. It had ideas, yes, but it had no way of achieving those ideas. But, before the Warrior could disappear forever, the monster grabbed Sokka. In an instant, Sokka let go of her hand so she wouldn't get dragged up as well.

Sokka flailed around, screaming. If they weren't in danger, Konno would've laughed. He looked ridiculous as his arms swung in large circles, around and around. Konno didn't know what to do, if she should help Sokka or not, but Katara made that decision for her. She took Konno by the arm and placed her farther away from the monster.

"Stay here," Katara said, nodding. "I know you can't bend, and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Thank you."

Katara skated across the water in a graceful curve, firing jets of water through the left shoulder of the creature. The creature dropped Sokka, so Konno pulled him the safe spot. His eyes were hard as he drew out his machete. "Can you fight?" he asked her.

"No, but I can try."

He pressed his club into her hands and said, "Stay by me."

They jumped into the center of the fray and sliced at the vines that were flying toward them. Konno did exceptionally well with the club, and Sokka threw her a proud smile. While he was distracted, the hand of the monster wrapped around his body and lifted him up into the air again. This boy literally had the worst luck. Konno swung the club at the monster's leg and sliced through a few of the vines. However, they grew back. 

With a yell, Katara got flung backwards from vines. Konno dodged her own flying vines and hacked more at the monster. She got far into the leg of the monster, but suddenly something wrapped around her waist, lifting her into the air. She caught a quick glance at Aang as he got hit by another vine, but the monster swung her around to the front of its body. 

"Konno? You're here too?" Sokka asked when he saw her.

"No," she said sarcastically. "I'm down there." She gestured to the ground. He stared at her, surprised by what she said. "Yes, Sokka. I'm here too."

With a sudden pressure against her body, Konno started squeezing through the vines. She squirmed, trying to break through the vines. However, she was too weak to tear the vines with her shoulders and arms. She grew still with a sigh. Why did she think that she was destined for more in this life? She could barely survive without someone's help. She wouldn't be able to try to change things because she was weak.

The chest of the monster shuddered with a tremendous force. However, it didn't knock her out. Instead, it gripped her tighter in it's vines. Her lungs struggled to catch air because they couldn't expand. The vines held her so tightly that dots appeared on her vision. The dots grew until her vision turned black.

Konno awoke with a gasp. Someone had breathed air back into her lungs, and her eyes flashed open. Sokka's face hovered above her, worry appearing in lines across his forehead. In a flash, she was back to that time when he saved her life. It was the same boy, but a different place. She couldn't focus on him or that, though. She focused on getting air back to her brain and her body. 

"Konno, are you okay?" Sokka asked quickly.

"I'll be fine."

He helped her sit up just as Katara began to rapid fire loops of water at the approaching monster. Each time the loops strike the monster, a slice appeared on it. Konno didn't know if she should trust her eyes or not, but she was pretty sure there was a man in there.

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