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"Okay,hyungie, enough." Jungkook took the glass from Taehyung who whined."You are already drunk."

"What?! No give that back to me!"
Taehyung yelled.

"Take him to his room and put him to sleep.I'm afraid he might puke anytime." Jimin said after he gulped down a whole glass of beer.

"What about him?" Yoongi pointed at Hoseok with his eyes who was lying on the floor on his stomach,passed out.

"Let him sleep here!" The shortest of them glared at the sleeping boy on the floor,"I can't drag him to the bed.Who told him to drink this much if he can't take it?!"

"Of course he can sleep on the floor!" Taehyung suddenly said,"My floor is cleaner than you think. There are no germs! Look!"
He patted the floor beside him where he was sitting.
He then turned to Jungkook,"Kookie! Let's sleep on the floor tonight."

It was clear that the red haired male was completely drunk.Jimin was also a little bit drunk but he wasn't a lightweight unlike Taehyung.

Yoongi and Jungkook were the only persons who were more sober than anyone.

The youngest looked at the clock ticking on the wall. It was 2am.

"Hyung,help me take Hoseok hyung to his room."
Jungkook asked the mint haired male as he tried to pull Hoseok from the floor.

Both of them carried him to the room that he and Yoongi would be sharing and put him on one of the beds.

"What the hell? He is heavier than he looks.My arms are sore."
The mint haired boy grumbled.

When they got back to the living room,the scene there left Yoongi dumbfounded,while Jungkook shouted,"Taehyung!"

Jimin was pushed on the couch on his back as he yelled on top his lungs,"Taehyung you fucker! Get off of me! I'm not Jungkook!"

Taehyung cupped his face as he managed to pin him on the couch.
"Kookie,I really....really missed you.Please let me kiss you once,okay?Just this once." He leaned closer.

He pushed Taehyung with all his might and just then he heard Jungkook calling out his best friend's name.

The red haired male fell on the floor on his back with a thud.Jungkook ran to him and checked for his head in case he got hurt there."Hyungie,did you get hurt?"

However,he heard Taehyung mumbling in a low voice,"Kookie...please.I missed...you...really-"

A heavy feeling of guilt took over the raven haired male's heart.
He took him bridal style in his arms and headed over to Taehyung's room.

Jimin sighed and rubbed his face.

Yoongi looked at Jimin and he couldn't help but laugh,"I knew Taehyung gets emotional and horny when he gets drunk but this was way too funny."He then chuckled,not realizing the short male glaring at him,"Shit,I should have recorded this and make him watch it tomorrow."

"Of course!" Jimin stood up from the couch and stomped his feet,"Not that you'd have cared if he had really kissed me!"

The mint haired boy was startled.
He said,"What does even that mean?Why would I care who-"

"That's what I'm saying!" Jimin was frustrated now,also he was drunk,he was speaking whatever came to his mind at that instant,"You don't care! But still I can't stop liking you!"

Did he just-

Yoongi spoke bluntly,"What? Say that again."

Jimin felt as if he was trying to embarrass him now,"Forget I ever said anything! You dense fool!"
He stormed off to his room where he would usually stay whenever he came to Taehyung's.

The mint haired male was too late to follow him.He heard the door slamming loudly.

Yoongi took a moment to process.

Park Jimin..... likes me?!

Taehyung continued to murmur incoherent words the whole way to his room.Jungkook gently laid him down on the bed.He sat on the bed and watched him for a while. The red haired male has a habit of frowning when he sleeps,as if he is troubled by something.

The younger boy reached out,smoothing his eyebrows with his fingers.

Should I do it or not?
Jungkook's thoughts were running fast.

His doe eyes scanned the older's face.

Should I? Or not? Ugh fuck it!

He nodded to himself as if taking a firm decision.

With his small hands he cupped Taehyung's face,"Just this once," He leaned closer,"While you are asleep,let me kiss you." And pressed his lips onto other's.

He only had wanted to peck his lips, but things didn't go his way when Taehyung suddenly moved fast and trapped Jungkook in his arms. Wrapping all his limbs around Jungkook,like a koala.

He is awake!

The raven haired male immediately wanted to pull away but Taehyung didn't let him.He pushed Jungkook's head from behind with his hand. Helpless,the younger boy let the stubborn male kiss him.

I'm unable to push him away even though I'm stronger than him.

Jungkook mentally sighed.

He won't remember it anyway when he wakes up.

But Jungkook's big eyes flew open when Taehyung tried to pull off his t-shirt.He pinched the older's arm who was startled and stopped for a moment,looking at the boy top of him confusingly.

"That's enough for today." The younger male slowly said.

The confusion on his face grew deeper and he looked little bit sad too.
"Then shall we cuddle?" He meekly asked.

Jungkook nodded with a smile,and shifted next to Taehyung on the bed. The older turned to Jungkook's side,putting an arm over his body.His hyung's breathing sounds could be heard closely,puffs of warm air spreading on his ear and neck. He hadn't felt this cozy and comfortable for a long time.Closing his eyes he tried to bury the feeling deep into his mind.

"Hyungie,I have something to tell you.Will you listen?"

Taehyung lowly hummed in his sleep,"I'll listen to everything Kookie says."


This was kinda a filler chapter.I think I lack in case of displaying the characters' emotions So I tried to work on it a bit in this chapter.But it doesn't look like I improved.

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Don't you guys just wanna run away from home sometimes?

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