21 | millionaire flatley

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The agents passed Mr Flatley in the hallway, his arms full with gifts from the students. Apparently he had some rich relative who died and left him a fortune, and now all the students and teachers were buttering him up to get a piece of the cake.

"So Flatley is getting a million quid" Carrie laughed in disbelief.

"And some new friends" Oscar added when their classmates swarmed the overwhelmed principal.

The four continued their they and it seemed like nothing special would happen. But then their communicators buzzed so they quickly made their way to HQ.

"This was on Flatley's desk" Frank said handing Alex a letter to read loudly. He was wearing some weird sunglasses.

"Turn down your share of the money or I will blowup your precious school" she read, it seemed like the letters in note had been cut out from newspapers.

"What?" Carrie exclaimed.

"Must be a hose" Oscar said, snatching the letter from Alex's hands.

"Unfortunately not" Frank said solemnly, "Right! I have a gadget for you: Detector-specs. They show you the tiniest trace of any unusual substance" he handed over the sunglasses to Oscar who put them on and looked at the letter. "What can you see?"

"Dugranite" Oscar answered.

"Dugranite, a rare and powerful explosive. Whoever sent the note is serious. There is a bomb in the school" Frank said seriously.

"We need to evacuate! Everyone is in danger" Carrie panicked.

"One wrong move could trigger the bomb" Frank explained why they couldn't just evacuate.

"Who would want Flatley to turn down his million?" Oscar asked.

"One of his relatives, they would all split his part" Alex said rolling around on her chair.

"Oh that's bad" Rose said gaining everyone's attention, "The only supply of Dugranite made its last delivery six weeks ago, to SKUL."

"Oh that's not good" Alex cringed looking at the order, "And what kind of idiot orders something in the name of SKUL?"

"I thought you said one of Flatley's relatives would get the money" Carrie looked between Frank and Alex.

"They would" Frank answered, "So it appears one of them, is working for SKUL."

"Can you imagine? A Flatley working for SKUL?" Alex laughed at the bizarre idea but she stopped when Frank glared at her childishness.

"That's unbelievable" Oscar agreed with the brunette, but in a slightly more mature manner.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" Rose asked.

"The note says not to" Oscar said picking up the note, handing it to Rose.

"Call the bomb squad then!" Carrie said panicked.

"We don't wanna cause a panic. This is SKUL we are talking about, we are the best people to deal with this, not the police" Frank tried to calm her. "I want you to find out which relative is behind this and stop them before Flatley accepts that money."

"Look" Rose said brining their attention to the video surveillance. A man wearing a kilt was walking though the school.

"The Flatley's, they are arriving" Frank pointed out the obvious.

"Result" Rose said smugly, "the bomber licked the envelope. We have DNA" she continued, apparently she had managed to do an analyse while the others talked.

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