Chapter Four

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Third Person Pov:

"You know, it wasn't necessary to tie me up kid," Tom says as he sits up against the wall, his hands tied behind his back and his ankles chained to two incredibly heavy weights. "I know you like- kidnapped me- or something, but it's not like I was gonna know until you drugged my water."

"I'm not kidnapping you Blue Leader!" Jackson says as he looks back to Tom with a annoyed look, he takes a deep breath to calm himself down as he then continues to adjust the burning wood in the fireplace. "I'm only doing this to keep you safe, you have no idea what's out there! I can't have you leaving just yet."

"Well.." Tom tilts his head. "When can I leave?"

Jackson sighs and takes a seat at the old wooden table in the small cabin he lives in, he looks to the floor as he says, "Red Leader's birthday is coming up, he has a big celebration every single year that takes up all of the guards and other communists time, which means that they'll be too busy taking care of the party to notice you escaping to the new Rebellion base."

"Huh? Rebellion?" Tom asks, once they were caught Bing had told him about how the man he encountered was the communist king of the world, but Bing never mentioned there was a Rebellion against it.

Jackson flinches and says, "What do you mean by that?! You're one of their leaders!"

Three awkward dots fill the air slowly as they stare at each other, Tom let's out a loud and obnoxious, "Huh?" which makes Jackson facepalm.

"You don't remember?! You're Blue Leader! You know! The second Leader of the Rebellion?!" Jackson says, it's funny how he hasn't figured out yet that Tom has absolutely no memories.

"Oh, I don't know about all that yet," Tom says and laughs a bit as Jackson blinks in confusion. "I haven't recovered any memories and Bing, the goddamn idiot, didn't tell me barely anything about my past."

"What? You don't have memories?" Jackson asks, greatly confused.

"None whatsoever!" Tom then mentions toward the spot on his chest where his heart is pulsating. "After I got my new piece of junk heart shoved into my chest, I lost all my memories. Which I know you've been wanting to ask where that horrid sound is coming from, well, it's my heart."

"So that's why you haven't been listening to me! Because you think I'm a stranger!" Jackson says with a smile.

"No you're just extremely boring kid," Tom says and Jackson disappointedly sighs, Tom then spots Scale consuming a baby mouse in the corner. "WOO! You go Scale!"

"Look, Blue Leader, you need to be serious," Jackson says and Tom quiets down to listen to him. "You probably don't understand how bad a situation you're in," Tom moves his eyes away from him. "If you get caught, you'll either be tortured painfully slow or killed in front of millions of people, or maybe even both! Do you want that?!"

Tom is silent for a moment before shaking his head, "Who the hell would want that?" Tom looks up at him with a dead serious look. "Look, I don't know what I used to be like Jackson. But from what I'm getting, I was either a coward.. or the strongest person alive," Tom stands up with his arms still tied tightly behind him. "But that's not who I am now," Tom somehow pulls his arms apart so roughly that the ropes break apart and he frees himself, this makes Jackson flinch. "I won't be tied down just because everyone else around me is afraid," Tom bends down and pulls apart one shackle on his right ankle, this makes Jackson stand up with a confused look. "Because even if I have lost my memories and my manmade heart won't stop driving me to the point of insanity every single night," Tom stomps his left foot on to the ground and the other shackle opens up on it's own, he's now free of his restraints. "I won't stop fighting, even if it kills me."

Tom walks over to the cabin door and opens it up, but before he can walk out, Jackson says, "You haven't changed one bit Blue Leader." with a smile.

Tom confidently grins and bends down, letting Scale slither on to his hand and wrap himself around Tom's forearm. Tom then leaves the cabin with a simple, "Don't die kid." and makes his way to the city of London where he'll plan his first attack...

"So.." Edd says to Bing as he rests his head on the wood table. "Is he still.. you know.. himself?"

"A little too much himself," Bing replies to Edd and sighs. "Still sarcastic and rude as ever, the only weird thing is that he seems to be absolutely scared to death of Red Leader."

"That's weird, he's never been afraid of Tord before," Matt says and leans back on one of the couches in the room.

"Ever hear of trauma?" Larry asks Matt and rolls his eyes. "It's a real bitch."

"But he doesn't remember anything from his past, how could he have trauma of stuff he doesn't remember?" Matt continues to question.

"Even if he doesn't remember it, it doesn't mean deep inside that fear could still manifest. His memories must still be in that brain of his," Paul says with a annoyed look as he loads his shotgun. "I could bet you a million pounds that his brain is suppressing the memories as a defense mechanism against the unbearable trauma of dying put on him, but I don't have that kind of money with the paycheck I'm getting every year as a senior Red Empire general and a spy of a broke ass Rebellion."

Paul attaches the shotgun on to his back and steps to the door but before he can walk out, Edd asks, "Where do you think you're going Paul?"

"Knowing that overly confident dumbass of a Rebel leader, he's going to try to take on the Empire alone..." Paul says and furrows his THICC eyebrows. "And I'm not going to just sit here while he gets killed by these goddamn bastards all over again. So you all can be a bunch of pussies and sit here like he's going to wonder back all on his own.. or you can come with me and we can save both Tom and the world from ultimate doom..." Paul crosses his arms as everyone gains serious looks. "So are you guys in or out?"

"What do you think Paul?" Edd says with a self-assured smile; Edd, Matt, and Larry then all stand up and walk over to Paul... They look over at Bing who continues to sit and look down with sweat running down his face, they gain faces that express the word "Seriously?". "Bing."

"Yeees?.." Bing says as he slowly looks over at the four guy's glares with a scared face.

Paul takes the shotgun back into his hands and says to Bing, "Get over here before I shoot you."

"Hahaha! Don't forget meeee!" Bing says with a fearful smile as he jumps up from the couch and stands in front of them. "I would never stay here where it's safe and has no chance of death! No sirree!" Bing nervously laughs and they continue to glare.

"That's what we thought," Paul says and puts the shotgun back on his back. "Now let's get going, it's still morning so we have time to hit a train station and be in London by tomorrow."

"Let's go," Edd says and they all begin their long journey to London...

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