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*Monday Morning* Oliviaa's POV


I hit the alarm, and sat up in my bed and strethced.

"Thank You Jesus." I said and kneeled down on the side of my bed to say my prayers. After I prayed for 5 minutes I got up and turned on my bluetooth speaker and turned on my audio bible as I got in the shower to do my hygeine routine. I finallly got done and walked out the bathroom at 7:45. I walked to my closet and looked for something to wear, I got out my blue knee legth pencil-ish maxi skirt, a brown t-shirt with my jean long sleeve shirt to rap around my waist. I sat my clothes on my bed and lotioned up with my coca butter. I went to my dresser and got out some under garments, and out on my black skirt slip, walked back to my bed and put on my clothes. After that I walked to my vanity and put on some of my bath and body works vanillia bean purfume and some blue stud earrinds match my skirt. Then threw my 22" braillian natural wave hair in to a cute pony tail. Turned off my speaker and grabbed my phone, and charger and put it in my messenger bag, and went downstairs.

"Good Morning" My mom said as i walked in the kitchen to see what she was cooking. "Morning mom, where's daddy?" "He had a extra run last night" " Ugh, I hate the fact he drives truck sometimes." " Well, Oliviaa he has to take care of us." "I know, I just miss him all the time" "I know baby, me too"

Then my brother Gabriel walked in with my sister Charleigh. "Good Morning Babies" Mom greeted them. " Morning Momma" They said in unison. We all sat at the table while mom finished cooking. Gabriel is the oldest 21, I'm the second oldest 18 and Charleigh is the youngest 17.

Momma made al our plates and sat them in front of us. Gabriel said grace and we dug in. Momma made Beacon, sausage, eggs, biscuits, oat meal and hash browns. "This Good momma" Gabriel said with his mouth full eating like her was a cave man. we all laughed. She poured us some juice to compliement our breakfast, then walked out the kitchen to do more house wife duties as she has always done for 10+ years.

We finished our food and put our plates in the sink, i grabbed my keys and left to the office.

I walked in the door and greeted everyone. Then went to my desk and started my work.

II was finnaly off and it was 7:30 I stopped at rally's and got my a chilly cheese fry, funnel cake, and medium Hi-c. Then I went to the mall. I stopped by Tj Maxx to see if they had any cute skirts. I ended up buying $150 worth of stuff. Then I walked back to my car. I got in and bagged up and crashed into another car. "Jesus!" I jumped out the car and looked to see what happen. A young boy about 6'4 he had his head in his hands. " I'm so sorry I didn't see you behind me"  I said. "Its fine let's just call the police and get each other's information"  he replied. He was super bulky and tall he had perfect teeth. I just sat there smiling in a daze. *snap * *snap*

He snapped me out of my daze. "Did you hear me?" "No what did you say?" I said  "I said what's your name?" He responded " Oliviaa Jacobs" I said  "Ok, I'm Jonah Gibson" he said "Nice to meet you Mr. Gibson" I said with my hand out "Same to you Miss. Oliviaa" he said as he bring his hand to mines. He smiled, and we shook hands. Then the police finally arrived. And everything got taken care of. "Well hopefully we can get to know each other, like a redo cause this is a bad first encounter"  he said laughing. "Yea, perhaps so but you have to come to church. " "I already go to a church, Turning point, my pastors name is Tim Harris"  he said" I love that church, I go to their camp in the summer, TM-camp" I said cheerfully  "Yea, I just started going there back in October, my home boy invited me one day and I've been there ever since. But I've definitely heard a lot about the Tm-Camp and plan on going this summer"he continued  "Sweet, well I best be going now, my parents are probably wondering where I am by now." I said in ackwardness "Ok, cool cam I have your number?" He said insisted " Yea" I said shyly. He handed me his galaxy s5 and I handed him my iPhone 6 plus. I saved my name in his phone as Oliviaa Grace and gave it back. When he gave me back my phone, he had It saved as Jonah Malachi

We parted ways and I went home and told my mom and Charleigh everything. After that I got in the shower, said my prayers then went to bed. "God is he my Boaz?"


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