So far, So Good

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Friday Morning
*Jonah's POV*

Oliviaa and I have been getting to know each other all week. I'm so happy. I've been praying and asking God if I should continue on. So far he's giving me the Aye okay. I love me some Jesus.

I woke up 8:15am did my morning routine and put on my gospel music on my speakers as I walked into my bathroom.

Today was a chill day, my boy Tyler wanted to hang today. I did my hygiene and walked into my closet and picked out some black joggers and a red t-shirt that said God Over Money. I got out my red vans and walked to my dresser and got out some socks. I put them on, and just then my phone started to ring.

And we worship, with the angels

And we cry Holy, Ho-

It was my granny

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone

"Hey baby how you doing this good morning?' She said in her sweet little voice.

"Good, you ma'am?" I responded

"I'm good, I want you to come over my house I got a few chores I need you to do." She said. She was old and had arthritis so she couldn't do much physically. Well, I didn't want her to. She's my angel, and I'd do anything for her so I told her to call me when ever she needed any thing. She didn't like the idea she thought I was treating her like she was in a nursing home. But she knew it was best for her health.

"Yes ma'am, I'll be over there shortly." I responded

"Alright, bye bye now. I love you." She ended

"Bye, I love you too. "I said as I hung up.

I went back into my closet and picked some grey sweat pants. My work boots, and t-shirt. I put it in a bag and walked put my room.

"DAD!?" I yelled trying to find put where he was.

"YEA SON, IM IM THE KITCHEN!" He yelled back.

So I went down to meet where he was.

"Moning dad, I'm going over to grandma's to help her with some work."

" Alright son. I'll be at work late. Also when do you go back to work?" He asked. Even though my dad had money and gave me the world, I still liked to work for my self and make my own.

"And school? " he added, I was in law school. His choice, I just wanted to make him proud. I really wanted to go to bible college so I could get more in depth with the bible. But I don't know, I'll have to pray and see what God has planned.

"Well at the plant we was on Christmas break from the 25-5, So Monday. And the 19th for school" I said

"Hmm, alright son. Be good, lock up and pray for me" he said grabbing his brief case and keys headed to work.
I already do

"Yes sir"

I grabbed a banana and walked out shortly after him locking up the house.

I jumped in my black bmw. It was a gift for graduating high school and going to law school. I headed to my grandma's which was a good 45 minutes away. I stopped by Starbucks and I seen Oliviaa's teal jeep patriot. So I parked and went inside. I looked around and there see was looking so beautiful and modest. Just like a women Of God should carry her self. She had on a red maxi skirt, with and multicolored stripped shirt and a blue Jean jacket with a peAch north face coat on. Dang she bundled lol.

She was standing there looking at her phone. I walked up behind her and put my hands over her eyes.

"Guess who" I said in a high pitch voice. I already had a deep baritone voice. She smiled and said "Let me guess, Jonah Malichi Gibson" I smiled I love the way she says my name. " Your right Oliviaa Grace" I said as pulled my hands away.

"You following me, Jonah? " she said playfully. "Would you be scared if I was? " I asked. "Not really, I feel pretty comfortable with you around. Or not.... lol" she giggled. That laugh " did you really just say Lol?" I questioned while laughing. "Yea, people. Tell me I talk weird all the time" She said grabbing her drink from the boy behind the counter. "Well that's one thing I find fascinating about you." I admitted honestly.

"Is that right?" She smirked "Cross my heart hope to die" I said while mentioning the x across my chest. She smiled shyly. "Thank you" She said after a moment of silent smiling at the ground. "With pleasure, my beautiful queen. With pleasure." I said while holding the door open for her and I to walk out.

She stopped and looked up into the sky. "I guessed that was the sign huh God?" she said simi-yelling and smiled. "What you ask him to do? " I asked. " To let you call me a beautiful queen, and meet me at star bucks. " she said looking at me. "Oh wow, can you say favor or nah?" I joked. "Favor! " she sung. Her voice just made me melt,Lord I claim her right now. I could just shout all through this parking lot , let me pull my self together. "Wow. I didn't know you could sing" I said as I walked her to her truck. "Yea. The praise team leader at my church. Agopay" She smiled while unlocking her car. " I heard that church is amazing." I said. "Yea, God be in there. " she said putting her purse in the passenger seat and sitting in her drivers seat. " well I best be going, I got class " she added looking the time on her phone. " yea, I got to go do something for my grandma, I'll call you" I said. "Ok See you Jonah Malachi"she spoke in her sweet voice. " bye Oliviaa Grace" I said back waving as I walked back into Starbucks to get me a Carmel frappe.

Later that day

"Bro, do she got a sister? " Tyler blurted as I told him about Oliviaa and showed him a picture of us at the mall.

"Yea but she younger. Way younger than you bro" I said laughing.

"Man, that's a virtuous women right there I can tell" he admitted. And she all mines. I smiled to my self, knowing I was going to get to give her my last name one day.

"Yup, I can't wait to make her my wife. I'll be darned if I let her slip away. Even for a moment. " I said as I sat down in the big fluffy lazy boy chair his room.

He got up and walked put the room, I decided to text Oliviaa.

**Text Mode **

Jonah : Hey Miss Oliviaa Grace. Wyd?

Oliviaa : nothing getting ready for bible study. Wbu Malachi?

Jonah: at my boy house, just hanging out. What time bible study. I want to join you?

Oliviaa: 8:30. That would be lovely.

Jonah: ok see you there, what's the address?

Oliviaa: 2425 berrylane, by Rogers bar and grill.

Jonah: sure thing, see you there my queen.

Oliviaa: :)
**Text Mode Over**

I looked up to see Tyler back. "What you cheesing so hard for boy? Oh wait let me guess, Oliviaa? " he said in a ugly voice. "Don't hate, just go find your self a queen. But I'm bouta head out, I'm going to bible study at her church. Agapay." I said getting up and putting my stuff on. " I'm coming too, I'm bouta find me a virtuous women. " he said jumping up and putting on his stuff and grabbing his bible.

We headed out. We got there at 8:26 the parking lot was getting full so we found a spot and grabbed our bibles and got out.

We walked in and I thanked God and proceeded to look for Oliviaa. She waved me over to her and a few other girl's I'm supposing her friends. Me and Tyler sat down and took our coats off and placed them on the back of our seats.

*****TYLER IN MM*****

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