He Confimed

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******5 months later. *******
Last month  in school before summer vacation
Tyler POV

Let me catch y'all up on everything that has happens these last 5 month's. That night at Oliviaa' s church bible study I met her friend Aubrey. Do you believe in love at first sight? I do! :). Aubrey and I hit it off and have been in a courtship (a Christian type of dating, with tons of restrictions and discipline. Such as no kissing. Or hugging. ) for 4 months now, and I can say she's the one. We pray together we go to church together. We read the bible together, we only argued twice. Our families love each other and we have 2 best friends that date each other.We've been working hard in school, with these final projects and exams coming up. God gets all the Glory though cause it's been nobody but him, who's kept us.

I've been talking to Auberys parents about marrying her. They said give it some more time so we can make sure we're ready, and this is what God wants. Aubrey and I have talked about it. We agreed on no kids till we graduate. God I love her.

Aubrey texted me, it is Friday and were both on class.
**Text Mode**

Aubrey: My love?

Tyler: My queen?

Aubrey: I'm so ready for break, Jesus give me strength. Lol

Tyler: Me too, but we only got 2 more weeks bae, 10 more days.

Aubrey: Well when you put it like that, it sounds so much better. You always know what to say.

Tyler: Anything for my queen. Want to grab a bite to eat after class?

Aubery: Yea, I love you TYTY

Tyler: Love you more, Auby (Aww-be)
**Text Mode Over**

"Okay, class this week is your final project, you'll have to write a 10 page essay on what love means to you." My professor announced "I know it doesn't make sense now but it will, I want you to take your time with this, visit the place in your heart and in your mind, also were going to take a 10 question essay right now so then you'll have the rest of the semester to type and construct your paper" even though professor Gamel was my favorite, she just took it all the way to the limits. Lol.

I sat there and thought of Aubrey Dasiey Lovee. My essay was going to revolve around her and God.



Later at Culvers

We sat at the table with our lab tops out typing and looking up some stuff for class.

"Ughhh, I'm so tired" Aubrey admitted as she pushes her lab top back. Sitting  back and proped her feet up on the seat. "If I knew college was going to be this hard maybe I would have reconsidered" she added laughing at her self.

I sat there and stared into her eyes.

"What?" She asked looking around to see what I was staring at. I scooted closer and held her hand. "Aubrey Daisey Lovee.... I'm so in love with you, everything about you man, yo laugh, your smile, your voice, your love for God, your honesty, and virtuosity, your compassion, your ambition, the way you look when you write your poems and are in deep thought Your hands, your style, I could go on and on. ... I'm going to marry you, I've prayed for some one like you"  I seen her eyes getting watery "Besides getting saved,  your the best thing that has ever happen to me, I never want to lose you, you help God complete me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and take care of you , and have a family and future with you" She had tears streaming down her face with a smile from ear to ear, the waitress came and put our food on the table, but our eyes stayed glued on one another. "I'm going to marry you, and soon too cause I can't dare let you get away and treat you like the queen you are"  I admitted honestly and kissed her hand. She was still smiling and I wiped her tears away, I could see she was in deep thought so I scooted back over and talked to God in my head as everything I said replayed in my head. Thank you Jesus.


"Aubrey Daisey Lovee.... I'm so in love with you, everything about you man, yo laugh, your smile, your voice, your love for God, your honesty, and virtuosity, your compassion, your ambition, the way you look when you write your poems and are in deep thought Your hands, your style, I could go on and on. ... I'm going to marry you, I've prayed for some one like you Besides getting saved,  your the best thing that has ever happen to me, I never want to lose you, you help God complete me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and take care of you , and have a family and future with you I'm going to marry you, and soon too cause I can't dare let you get away and treat you like the queen you are"

I wanted to get up and run around the whole world. I smiled and went into deep thought about my past, before I was saved and I was sleeping around looking for love in all the wrong places. The time I was almost raped and, went to Minnesota with my ex best friend terra and got drunk and high and did some things I regret. But God saved my soul and put Tyler in my life, he's all I ever wanted and more, a prayer walking on two feet, he was LITTERALLY sent from heaven to little ole me. I thought about how God had shed his love on me and delivers me from that mindset to where I was on a endless search to find a void filler that was so big only God could fill, about how I hated my dad so much, But God set me free. I just love God so much. I couldn't do nothing but smile, I was motionless because for ever I thought that I wasn't good enough. Tyler and I had talked about all this back when we first met, idk but I just felt so comfortable with him.  He was my Boaz.

***** AUBERY IN MM*****

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