Tm camp pt. 2

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Aubery's POV

3 days later Thursday

Man y'all this week has been extraordinary, I've made bonds with the grad girls, great staff, but most importantly I've heard from God every single night. He's so good

We just woke up, I got out my bed and made my way to the bathroom to use it. After I was done I went back to my bed and grabbed my face towel, toothbrush and toothpaste.  I did mg hygiene routine and went back to my bed to get dressed.

I pulled my suite case out to find some thing to wear. Hmmmm, what to wear what to wear? I pulled out my blue lose fitting pencil skirt (past my knees of course) and a white t shirt with my pink cardigan. I also got out my ankle socks and orange And pink Nike Roshce runs.

I put the skirt on under my gown the proceeded to put on my shirt. I finally put on some lotion followed by my shoes. I got out my mirror and put my hair in a sock bun. Then put on my jacket followed by some vanilla perfume Ty's favorite: ).

Just as I finished Oli (Oliviaa)  came back She was looking cute she had on her long blue maxi skirt, a white mid sleeve shirt, a blue white and grey vest and some white sandals with her hair in a cute pony tail.

We grabbed our stuff and headed out side and up the hill to the sanctuary.

The adults were in their for their morning sacrifice. This has been our routine all week. I never want to go home EVER.



Jonah POV

Night service

This week has been so profound, I'm to happy I came. I couldn't come last year cause I had to take sumeer law classes to finish early.

God's been setting me free all week and I got free from the heart ache I still carried from my mom's death. Glory to your name Lord.

We had all got up from quiet time and headed up stairs for night service. Tyler been telling me how this man named David Hollis is suppose to come. They said he's G O O D ! so I'm ready to hear from him.



"I'd like to give honor to my brother and sister in the Lord Tim and Tanya Harris. " David Hollis spoke through the Mic. We all stood up giving them a standing ovation for all their hard work, sacrifice and love.

" this week has been extraordinary, every night we've gone farther after God, some of you this is your first time. For some more of us it's our first time and a long while. And for some of us not yet, but tonight we're not leaving until everyone is free" he spoke softly but boldly in the Mic ending in a comforting  smile.




3 and a half hours later

Tyler POV

David Hollis had preached about getting our self stuck in doors that we can't get out of But God!  Man, I was at the alter, crying, speaking in tongues, praying, everything. Then one of the staff members came and prayed for me about my old life and let me remind you they know NOTHING ABOUT ME ! I staring crying so hard. It felt good, I needed to be free of everything. Then a second one came up and they Borg were praying and I could feel God all over me. Changing me, repairing me, breaking the yolks and bondage. Letting me stop hating my parents for kicking me out at age 15 so I had to fend for my self and so I started selling drugs and God in a lot of trouble, then I moved to IN and God got a hold of me and I never was the same. He gave me a New slate and I never looked back thank you Jesus! 



Oliviaa POV
Friday Morning, last day

Today was the last day, it was bittersweet.  Bitter because I met some awesome people t hi is year, got free and learned some awesome stuff this week, but most importantly I went after God so hard it didn't make no sense so I didn't want to leave. Sweet because now I can take all this fire I got in me for God and out it into my daily life.

We got up and did our hygiene routines then got dressed. After all that we had to pack up or clothes and beds cause this was our last service.


" Now campers, we've had a dynamic week. And I know we interlacing here the same. This week we've experienced a new level of God. And got everything we needed. I went want y'all going home and going back to the old you. I want you go be better, I know soon as we leave off these grounds that the devil is coming to attack. But we know how to pray and seek God. Don't let that stuff conform you. HELL DOESNT DESERVE YOU!" Sis Harris said and she started to cry and praise God and that's all it took. We went nuts! 



"Alright now, same as last time get in your seats and get seated, is there any news who didn't get a sack lunch?" Sis Combs said as she looked around the bus t see of any hands went up.

" ok, bro crump Can you lead us in prayer?"

"Every heart Pray, Dear hevenly father we thank you for this week we thank you for all the stuff you've helped us with, we appreciate it and take nothing for granted please allow us to move up n out walk with you and remember this week as we walk in your righteousness. Let us get home safely and sustain us When the devil comes to tempt us, We love you for everything in Jesus most precious name I pray thank God amen. " he ended.

"Amen!" We all spoke in unison.


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