Wedding Bells

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Jonah POV

Night before the wedding

*Phone conversation*

"Oliviaa Grace Jacobs, do you take this man to be your husband? " I retorted over the phone. Its the night before the wedding and I'm so ready for her to be my wife

"Yes, I do take Jonah Malachi Gibson to be my wonderful loving husband. Do you Jonah Malachi take Oliviaa Grace Jacobs to be your super beautiful, dynamic, loving, amazing, smart, did I mention beautiful? Wife? " She said soft and sweet while giggling.

"Til death does us part"  I crocked out

"Awe baby, your so sweet I LOVR you so much and its and honor to be your wife. Your all I could ever ask for plus more. " she said sniffing. I knew she was crying.

" I love you to baebae, but me and Ty about yo head to the church and pray, have fun. Tmro is the day."

"Ok, pray hard boo I love you so so so soo much" She said kissing the phone.

"See you at the alter, even though it's on a beach. " I ended laughing

"See you" she said and with that we hung up.

We had a several hours before our flight to Bora Bora. My dad paid for everything, that's why I love that man, he always was there.

At our church it was costume that all the men that was apart of the wedding went to the church and prayed for the marriage of the bride and groom to be. The lady's had a little party ( still holy, no clubs, strippers or drinks )  then at midnight they did the same for the bride.



          !!!!!!!!! THE BIG DAY !!!!!!!!!

Oliviaa POV

I was now sitting in my hotel room with my 2 maids of honor Aubrey and Charleigh. Along with 4 of my brides maids. My mom, Jon's mom,  my friend Tyla and My cousin Aleke ( ahh- lee- kay ).

I had got 2 hairstylist, 1 make up artist and 2 nail techs come along with us. Cause I had to get me a fleeked out hairstyle names and make up done.

After we were finished it hit me. I'm getting married. I started to get super nervous. I looked up to prevent from crying and ruining my makeup.

"Awe Oliviaa it's okay boo, we're here for you, we love you and Jonah is waiting at the beach for you." Aubrey said walking over to me along with the other ladies giving me a big group hug.

" I know I'm just so happy. I have the man of my dreams I'm 21 with a degree and still a virgin, and most importantly I'm saved. God's been so good I just want to break out and dance." I said croaking a smile.

They all smiled and we walked out the door. On the elevator they put my Vail over my head and we was on our way to the beach which was just out side.

When we got there everything was perfect!

Everyone got in position as sis Sara started to sing ' why I choose you'  by Debbie Short my favorite song ( made up)

My dad held his arm out and I could Dee him crying. A couple tears slipped from my eyes. And the bride's maides and men started to walk.

It was now My turn

Jonah POV

I stood at the alter as the bride's maidens and men walked down the aisle I was so anxious to see Oliviaa.

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