We Got You Where We Want You

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Midoryia's POV

My eyes opened slowly as pain continued to shoot through my head. Did I pass out again? I remember being carried to my room but what happened after that. I went to stand but then noticed I couldn't move. That's when I realized what had happened.

A cloth was shoved inside my mouth, making my jaw tight as I tried to move it. My arms and legs were tied tightly to what seemed to be a metal chair. My head was groggy still too. Was I drugged?

I tried to look around the room but it was pitch black. That's when I realized I was blindfolded. I could hear voices coming from around once I started moving.

"Look, our puppet's finally awake." A male's voice said. I heard footsteps approach me before my blindfold was roughly removed. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, causing me to squint as I looked at the people in front of me.

Dabi was holding the blindfold in his hand next to me while Shigaraki and Kurogiri remained seated at the bar. There was another guy here too though. Memories rushed back to me as I peered into his eyes. This was the guy who had been controlling me for the past week.

"It's a pleasure to finally be able formally meet you Mr. Midoryia." Warp said as he walked towards me. He had bags under his eyes and he looked a little skinnier than he did when I first saw him. Using his quirk on me for so long must've really drained him.

That's when I noticed something. Even though I still felt groggy a section of my brain seemed clearer then it was before. Did his quirk finally wear off? He must have noticed my confused expression because he smiled.

"No, I'm not using my quirk on you right now. There's no point. It's not like you can escape in the state you're in and this will give me time to rest." He stated, looking me up and down. I growled into my gag and my brows furrowed.

"It appears our puppet doesn't like the idea of being controlled very much." Dabi said, an equally amused look on his face.

Shigaraki rose from his seat and walk over to me, hunching his shoulders so that he was eye level with me.

"We finally got you right where we want you." He chuckled softly before I felt a sharp pinch in my arm. My head lolled swiftly to the side as I noticed the man take a needle out of my skin. I could already feel myself lose connection with the world around me. Shigaraki's fingers wrapped around my chin, though he was careful to keep one from touching me to prevent me from disintegrating. He forced my face upwards towards his. My eyes were become heavy as my vision blurred. Shigaraki smiled.

"Checkmate Izuku."

I passed out.

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