PrinXiety (the Living Prince)

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[Ship: Prinxiety
Warnings: Slight panic
Type: Fluff
Word count:1366 words]
{Extra: HUMAN AU!}

TITLE:The Living prince

(Virgils POV)

I was cleaning out my mother's house when I came across my old favourite book. It was about 3 cm thick and told the story of a handsome Prince who had to save his brother from the evil dragon witch, who wanted to turn him into a villain called 'the duke'. I remember reading this every night before I went to bed wishing that the Prince would come and save me from my room, which I felt trapped in like a tower.

I smiled and looked at the boy on the from cover. Now that I think about it wasn't he positioned differently? I'm certain he had his sword mid swing towards the dragon who's face was angry, but now he apperence to be mid thrust while the dragon stares shocked. It could just be my imagination. It was eyon ago that I last saw this. I placed it down in the last box and started to tape it up as my mother walked in with my friend janus. "Lunch is ready V. Help Jan set up the table." the patchy boy grinned and quickly said "race ya." before belting off making me laugh and run after him.

(time skip)

I had the majority my boxes unpacked by my third day in the new house, a brand new couch downstairs and a decent TV and stand where all my games and movies were stored. I had just put all of my musical production posters up in my room and was placing up the last of my MCR Poster just next to my bed. Laying on my back I looked at the clock next to my bed. It said 7:30,so not as late as I thought! I decided I would finished unpacking the last box tomorrow, since my back ached slightly from all of the carrying and rebuilding stuff like my bed and wardrobe.

I stared at the box for reasons I can't explain. Like I was drawn to it by some unforseen force, like someone had gripped my shirt and pulled me towards it. I stood and quickly made my way over and opened it with my mini key shaped switch blade that janus gave me. I saw the book on top of everything and smiled slightly at it. I lifted it up and then noticed the cover, once again the cover was different. The dragon and Prince were no longer in the center. Now they had moved towards the books edge. The dragon looked scared and seemed to be conjuring a spell and the Prince had changed his stance slightly again, still mid thrust but his left foot was in front instead of his right and his sword seemed to switch hands. His face had changed as well. He was no longer looking focused, but more smug. As if he knew he would win. Then again we all did, even people who hadn't read it. The hero always wins. And the Prince was always the hero.

I shook my haead and placed the book down onto my stand where my laptop was rested and walked down stairs. I wanted something for dinner and there was a chippy down the road so I grabbed my bank card and keys, slipped on my boots and made my way down the street to the cash mechine out side the local shop and then to the chippy, where I got a large chips and sausage with gravy.

When I started heading back up the slight hill towards my house I looked up at my bedroom window and saw a black figure near the curtain. My eyes widened and I quickened my pace getting my phone with the cops on speed dial. There is every chance it was just a curtain, or maybe even the wrong house! Since the houses are all layed out similarly it wouldn't surprise me.

I grabbed my keys and noticed the door was still locked and all the front windows looked OK, no sign of a break in. And my phone would have gone off anyway, so how did they get in? I opened the door quietly and closed it again. I rushed into the kitchen and placed down my things quickly grabbing a rolling pin and creeping up the stairs. I looked through my door and didn't see anything originally. I swung it open and saw no one u tile I heard heavy breathing behind me, I yelled threw the pin at them and fell to the floor and pushed myself to the bed. My head span and my heart was beating so hard I felt as if it would rip out of my chest. My breathing become shallower and the figure rubbed their arm where I managed to hit them before quickly running towards me.

They kneeled in front of me."hey hey, breath in for four, hold for seven, let out for eight." the voice instructed, they sounded very masculine. And it was actually kinda hot. Though this wasn't the right time to be compleme-

I opened my eyes and stopped seeing the book lay on the floor, the prince missing from its cover and the dragon looking towards the reader with a confused and shocked look. The man before me was the Prince, or someone who dressed like him anyway. He seemed to have a nervous expression and quickly backed away, offering a hand as the other traveled to his neck which he rubbed awkwardly. "sorry... I dunno how I got here." he said looking at me.

Now he wasn't so close I got a good look at his chizeled face. His face was a work of art, he looked beautiful. He looked to be a few inches taller than him and his deep bark brown stared in worry. His cheeks were a dusty pink which made Virgils face fluster much more than it already had. He shakily lifted his right arm and excepted the help, quickly being pulled up. "so, could you tell me which direction Arendale is?" the Prince asked. Virgil pointed at the book while staring in disbelief. The Prince looked at the book in confusion.

"W-what's your name?" I asked. He picked the book up and stared "Roman. Future Prince of Arendale, twin brother of Duke remus. This makes no sense." he said the last part quietly and turned the book over. "this must be the witch. She must have sent me from here to this world... So now I just have to find the great mage and have him reverse it!" he said happily. "also fiction." I said and grabbed the book and pointed to the page in which logan the mage and his baker frog-human husband patton. "see, they don't exist here." I said. He looked at me in confusion before realising he was stuck here.

He looked at me desperately. "so what will I do!? My brother can't rule! He has hardly any training, so how will he protect himself?" he asked me with a pleading, almost begging look in his eyes. "I dont know prince roman..." he nodded and looked away upset. "what will I do now?" he looked heartbroken. "why don't we get you some normal clothes so you'll fit in here, cause it isn't as medeval as your place." he nodded and sat down as I walked to my wardrobe and tossed him a long band shirt I got a few sizes too big, and a pair of long shorts. I then walked him to the bathroom and he changed, but when he came back out I wa in a bit of shock. The top which was 3 sizes too big fit him almost perfectly, and my long shorts were booty shorts on his thick, tanned, tone legs. I felt extra hot suddenly and blushed as I looked away. He was confused at first until it must have clicked because he smirked at me cheekily. This will be a long as next week.

(would ya'll want a part two? Just gotta say and I'll do it! :)


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