Halloween Special!!

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[Ship: LAMP (Logan x virgil x patton x roman)
Warnings:mentions of blood and eating humans!
Word count:]
[Extra: Monster AU. Logan:vampire, patton:werewolf,
Virgil: Ghost]

[Virgil POV]

I sat staring out the kitchen window into the forest outside. Our cabin was located in the woods, right in the middle. Hidden away from society, but tonight we could walk around like everyone else! Halloween night. The one night a year kids and adults alike dressed up as monsters and knocked from door to door in search of sweets. We blended in perfectly with everyone else.

"Hey kiddo! It's almost 6! Are you excited?" patton asked bouncing around energetically. I nodded smiling brightly as Patton began to explain his plan for tonight. I could wait for 6 to come around. Yes we went out on Halloween every year, but this was our first year going together. Only a year ago I met these people, and I'm already dating all three.

A ghost in a romantic relationship with a vampire gentleman from the 1800's, a werewolf who likes dad jokes, and a undead Prince from 1900. The afterlife couldn't be better.

"of course we gotta give Logie some time to feed but we'll be back by midnight for movies!" patton concluded still as excited as ever. He came over to kiss my cheek but as he placed his hand on mine it fazed through. He panicked and apologised as I solidified myself (shush. Ghosts are magical ok!) I leaned in and kissed him to shut him up and he melted into my lips. Footsteps came into the kitchen and pat pulled away, seeing logan there with a small smile. He kissed both our cheeks and called for roman, who he also kissed before announcing the time.

"6 o'clock everyone! Are we ready?" he looked around and saw roman with two pumpkin buckets. One full of sweets, and the other empty. He handed the empty one to patton and smiled.

"Yep!" he called cheerfully, straightening his rusty crown. "why a bucket of candy?" I asked. He smiled softly and cheered. "For the kids! If they don't have many we can give them some! And for those who are mean... We steal their candy! Scare them so bad they drop it and run away!" he laughed as I rolled my eyes.

Logan chuckled and grabbed onto pattons hand, "Were off then!" he said and walked us all out the door and towards town. Trees fluttered and waved as we walked by, and the cold autumn winds grazed my ghostly skin. When solidified I have a few hours before I need to turn back, and I always look dead. My skin is so pale I scare people when I'm in public other than Halloween.

We reached the town and soon the night began. Roman scaring kids, and picking up the dropped candy. Patton giving kids candy. And me and logan were just watching the two trick or treat some kids. I felt something warm grip my hand and noticed logan had interwind our fingers. I looked up at him and kissed him gently, and smiled. The slight squeals of patton, roman and a small group of girls beside us sounded. The girls said they liked our costs and said we looked cute before running off to another house. I laughed as they said 'costumes'.

After about 2 and a half hours logan had told us he would be back in a few moments. He departed from us and went off after group of children who were playing hide and seek in the woods. It happened a lot through the year, people hiding in the forest and stumbling onto our humble habode. Logan or roman usually dealt with the tho, logan sucking their blood dry and roman eating their brains and flesh. He came back soon wiping his face with his handkerchief. A small spot still on his face, which roman whipped away. We decided to head back to the cabin and watch a few movies.

Once in the cabin logan pointed roman to the kitchen, where a small bag of roman food was waiting for him. While roman plated that we picked out the movie and grabbed some stuff like popcorn and the sweets roman scared off kids. When all seated on the couch I looked at roman who was using a knife and fork on a arm. "Why not just bite it?" I laughed. He gasped and looked at me as if I had attacked his nobility or something.

"I am no animal! I still have manners!" he said faking sadness. Like I had betrayed him by asking. I chuckled and began to turn on the TV. Quickly finding the horror movie list. Find the really gory or scary ones first then watch stuff like nightmare before Christmas and beetlejuice. We had all got comfy now as the movie started.

Logan sat on the right of the couch, his legs on the couch so patton could lay down on him. I sat behind their legs holding one of pattons hands, and roman sat to my left holding my free hand while eating his meat. I sighed content with today placing a kiss on each person hand before returning to the movie.

(A/n: nothing much! But hapoy Halloween everyone! I hope your Halloween is amazing and I'll see you all next time!!) ❤️❤️🎃👻🦇

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