Analogical (stars)

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[Ship: Analogical
Warnings: none
Type: fluff
Word count:888 words]

(logans pov)

I sat silently in my room.I can hear music, coming presumably from patton and roman in the kitchen. The song was of course Disney. I stared down at the word document on my computer screen, and the papers that filled my desk.

Looking up I saw a photo patton had took of me and virgil. I was sat normally on the couch, and he lay with this head on my lap and his hoodies draw strings pulled tight to hide from the light. He had a headache and came to me for comfort, so I read him the book I was reading about astrology. He really enjoyed the book actually. He was much more into space than I thought.

Now that I think about it I hadn't seen virgil for the past few days. He has been couped up in his room for at least the last 3 days. I stood slowly and decided to make my way to his room. Faintly from inside I could hear him crying softly. Not wanting to disturb him or make him worse I quietly went back to my room. I felt awful hearing him like that. Heh, me feel something? That's a first...

... It only happens when I'm with virgil too. I can feel when I'm with him. Happy, sad, love... I feel it all. I look to the Calender on my wall to see the galaxy print of the picture. Virgil bought it me for my birthday just past. And that's when I had a idea. I rushed to my desk grabbing my small stack of empty flash cards and wrote "10:30, the roof"

The sun would have nearly finished setting by then and I could take virgil to the roof to watch the end of the sun set and the stars take over the sky. I smiled down and rushed back quietly to virgils room, pushing the note under the door. I walked back to my room.

(Time skip:time:10:28)

I propped myself on the roof silently awaiting for virgil. The sun's gorgeous hues of red, orange pinks purples and blues filled the sky, gradually getting darker and darker the farther up you looked.

"Logan?" I heard virgil call confused. His eyes were red and puffy, though he tried to cover them with makeup. His voice was quiet and sounded sore. I pat the spot next to me and watched as he cautiously seated himself.

"I'm just going to get to the point. I heard you crying in your room earlier. I wanted to help, so I let you calm down and I decided to invite you to the roof. I noticed your love of astrology so I thought we could watch the sun set and the stars appear?" I said sofly smiling a small genuine smile. Something I find hard to do nower days.

He looked at me shocked, with teary eyes. He sniffed and reached to wipe his eyes, but I grabbed his arm." Please, do not stop yourself from crying. I will be here to comfort you." I whispered. He brust into tears and hugged me tightly,pushing me onto the floor of the roof.

He lay a head on my chest, his arms tight around my neck but I didn't mind. Neither did he. We sat there for two hours watching the stars and talking between us. I'm almost certain I could hear whispers from the somewhere, that wasn't us but I couldn't see anything. It was mostly likely roman and patton spying which I could care less about. My priority at the moment was virgil, and virgil alone.

I felt him squeeze me tighter before looking up at me and cupping my cheek. I stared back at him a little surprised by the contact but melted into his touch, placing my hand on his. He brought himself to my face and kissed me gently. I was stunned but as he tried to pull away I grabbed him and pulled him back kissing him passionately but not rough as to not scare him. He seated himself on my hips and tilted his head so I could kiss him better.

My hands rested on his thighs before squeezing, making him open his mouth for me to explore. My hands trailed to his waist and I held him gently, as if holding him any tighter could crack and shatter his small figure.

He pulled back looking at me with wide hapoy eyes. "i-" he started not knowing what to do. "I love you virgil, please. Tell me you love me too." I said, almost pleading with him.

He nodded silently and inter locked our fingers. "will you be my boyfriend?" I asked with a smile. Again he nodded giving me a breathy yes, before meaning down amd kissing me again. The wind blew past us, and I felt him shiver. "ill take you to bed virge. Would you like to stay with me tonight?" I asked.

He hugged me "yes please." I nodded and stood, him still wrapped around my waist and began to carry him down into the house. He shook in my arms, from the cold, and quickly I could hear soft snores from my shoulder.

I love this man...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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