Logicality (coffee Date)

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[Ship: Logicality!
Warnings: none
Type: fluff
Word count: 678words]

(patton pov)

I sat inside the small cafe waiting. I had arrived earlier than I was supposed to. 10 minuets earlier to be exact, but that's because I wanted to order mine and logans drinks for when he got here. Logan had spent the last week glued to his mountains of work, so as a treat I asked him out for a coffee Date!

The cafe walls were a lovely cream with a nice polished wood floor. Dark oak tables were scattered around the room and about half of them were filled. The smell of coffee, eggs and other cafe foods filled the air causing a pleasurable scent.

The door opened and the small bell dinged, as my eyes looked over excitedly. There walked in a complete stranger who walked towards another table. I sighed and looked down at the table, as if it was the most intruiging thing in the world.

I guess I had been so focused on the table that I must have missed the bell. "sorry I'm late patton, I lost my tie." logans voice sounded soft and apologetic as my head shot up excitedly. "It's OK! I'm glad you could make it!" I giggled.

He smiled softly at me, though his eyes seemed to be drooped slightly as very pale bags rested beneath them. "You good Logie? You look exhausted." I asked worriedly. "oh yes I'm fine, I didn't sleep well last night is all." he said and grabbed the menu looking at it when a woman appeared.

She had very short hair for a lady, very boyish, the colour being a purplish-black and black eyes which gleemed happily. "Your drinks sir. 1 medium Chocolate Marshmallow S'mores Crème Frappuccino, and 1 medium Caramel Frappuccino Blended Beverage! Would you like anything to eat?" she cheered giving us the most innocent closed eyed smile ever. Logan looked shocked as he stared at the beverage I placed before him.

" Uh can I have a chicken salad and a cookie? And Logie? "I asked giggling at him. He nodded" I-ill have the same. " she chuckled and jotted down our order." I'll get that for you right away for you guys!" she beamed." what's your name miss? "logan asked poilitely." Jayden! "

"well thank you jayden." he smiled making her grin widely and nod rushing off. We could slightly hear her in the kitchen, since we were close to there, squealing about how nice we were and how she thought we looked cute.

I saw logan pick up his drink and inspect it amazed."Not only did you bring us to my favourite cafe, but you even got me my favourite coffee. And I wasn't even here." he said smiling slightly at me. "I'm just Dad good!" I joked and looked at him roll his eyes and shake his head. "and you were doing so well..."

We spent the next ten minuets or so drinking our drinks and chatting about various things, such as the play roman is taking part in next week, and how virgil has progressed in his guitar skills. "I must take you somewhere next as a thank you for this." he stated suddenly, I chuckled and shook my head. "Nuh! This is good enough for me, Just being here with you! No need to say thank you."

Our plates were placed before us once again by jayden. "well theres is your food! I hope you enjoy! Have a lovely date." she grinned and walked away to serve another table. I blushed slightly and looked at logan who was staring at me with gentle, love-filled eyes. "well! Let's eat." he said quickly and looked down at his food, trying to pretend that he wasn't just fawning over me. I grinned and agreed eating as well.

We had soon finished and payed at the till. We waved the staff goodbye as jayden shouted us a farewell. Having left we began making our way home. Hand in hand, with full bellies and smiles on our faces.

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