PrinXiety (Royal Parade)

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[Ship: Prinxiety
Warnings: none
Type: fluff
Word count:1198 words]

TITLE:Royal parade

Once again in the imagination, it was the royal parade! The parade was set on the day the kingdom had been built and the day Prince roman began his rule. At the parade you could do many things. There was always a villager somewhere playing a tune for anyone to hop in and dance or sing along to, the youth made flower crowns with their parents and gave them to whomever they saw fit! There was face painting and balloons! The pavements and streets were littered with chalk drawings and painted master peices by the villagers, and once the sun begins to fall everyone makes their way to the castle enterence where they bring drinks and food and wait for roman to stand on the steps and do a speech, thanking his wonderful people for keeping their homes and town in good condition and keeping eachother safe, before sharing a toast and letting lanterns go. He loved the lanterns scene in tangled you see, so he added that little bit into the holiday. Anyone can buy a lantern and set it off into the sky. Once the lanterns had been sent off people would begin returning home or to the taverns and roman would hop off to bed.

Usually patton and logan would spend the day among the crowds and take part in the many activities avaible, while virgil would join on later in the evening and set off a lantern. Remus and janus would usually skip out on this event though seeing as they have a similar holiday, though remus made it so everyone can plays pranks and jokes on each other, and cause as much chaos as possible. Even when he was with the others he wouldn't really take part, instead he'd stay in his room and listen to music, maybe dance and sing, and watch the chaos below safely from his window. So you can only imagine the shock and relief when he partook in the events roman had made.

Though today would be a tad bit different...

(Romans POV)

I walked through the town, a smile on my face as my people laughed and smiled, sending me friendly hellos and coming to give me hugs. I had been bestowed a beautiful flower crown made of the brightest gerbera daisys, from a set of lovely little girls by the name of Jayden and merigold. Walking the streets I saw so many people with animal masks and faces painted to look like tigers or butterflies or any of the other wonderful creatures on earth.

Suddenly I heard a familiar tune. Up ahead I saw a crowd of people, and someone I did not expect to see. So elegantly dancing and singing along to the song, soldier, poet, king. Virgil. in the center of the crowd with about 7 of the village youth, his thin hips swaying and his arms flowing through the air like a gypsy. He had a smile gorgeous smile on his face and a hypnotic voice, which sounded as though it belonged to one of God's purest angels. On his head adorned a vibrant purple flower crown of roses.

Roman walked towards the circle and got noticed by one of the littlens with virgil who pointed and came running. When I looked back at Virgils face he looked panicked but tried to stay calm in front of the children. I was soon dragged in and dancing with a young boy called Anthony. I monuvered us towards virgil who seemed a lot less confident in his dancing and extremely flustered. "your doing amazing virgil, quite elegant, which was unexpected from you." he teased and saw Virgils face scrunch up. "I mean I would have never though you could dance like that, so gypsy like! Bet you couldn't do it again~" virgil tool the challenge and began to dance like he did before, avoiding eye contact with me to keep his focus.

Virgils face was a bright red as he continued to dance, my eyes eagerly following his delecate figure. When the song ended I saw began to approach him when a young girl who I had yet to meet pulled on Virgils hoodie, he leant down and I felt a tiny hand grab mine. A boy no older than 8 and a young girl, who looked exactly alike, were smiling up at me. In the boys hand was a pretty card and in the girls hand a small ring of tiny flowers daisys. They offered them to me and wished me a merry parade before running off. When I look back at virgil he was sat cross-legged on the floor blushing as three new girls stood around him, seemingly teasing him. They were staring at me, but when they noticed me looking back they went wide eyed and began to giggle and poke virgil saying things which made Virgils face grow redder. The girls looked to be young preteens from about 10 to 14 at most. Virgil hid his face in his hands and shook his head, I could here his adorable flustered laughter.

I smiled at him softly and began to approach, seeing my nearing figure they began to push virgil towards me, grinning ear to ear. They looked like school girls teasing their friend about a cruu-
It took me a moment to realise. Could virgil be into me!? The blushing face, the teasing and looks my way, even the way he would watch me from afar when he thought I couldn't see. I always thought he was silently judging me but maybe not... Unless they're just teasing him about me and he's getting embarrassed because the won't listen to him. I kept my smile on my face and offered my hand for him when I stood above him. He avoided my eyes and took my hand and pulled him self up.

That's when it happened. Once on his feet he swiftly moved him hand onto my arm, and placing a hand firmly on my lower back, suddenly pulling me inward and came crashing towards me. My eyes were wide as his soft lips hit mine. He began to pull away but I quickly moved my free hand to the back of his head, and the one he had grip of to his waist and pulled him back. The air blew past us and all time seemed to stop in that one moment. All I ever wanted, just took place. When we pulled away virgil looked to be in a happy daze almost as of he was drunk, or just awoken from a good dream when the obvious giggles and cheers of little girls brought him back. He tried to back away but I held him close, until he softened and hugged me back. "I love you..." he whispered to me. "I love you too emo." squeels sounded as I rolled my eyes and virgil began to laugh. When we looked we saw all four of the teasing girls holding hands jumping around in a little circle,both of us bursting out laughing. This day I will remember, forever.~

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