Demus (Scars)

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[Ship: demus
Warnings: Scars, implied abuse, lots. And lots of swearing
Type: angsty
Word count: 1217 words]
Extra:all bottoms are girls so logan (Leena) , Virgil(Vivian)and janus(Janus) are today's babes 😚 I've also made this a human ish au. You'll understand when u guys read it.
[Thank you @yourinsomniaOwO
For the request! It was different from my usual lovey dovey stuff so thank you!]

(Janus' Pov)

Recently me and the rest of the sanders gang found out that we could become visible to the human eye, and interact with objects just like Thomas if we tried hard enough so we had gone out.
I was walking through town center with everyone. Leena and her boyfriend patton, my boyfriends brother roman and his girlfriend Vivian and my boyfriend remus. I had been stuck in the mindscape recently, and roman wanted to cheer me up. Currently I walked behind Leena and pat, my finger intertwined with remus'. Roman spoke suddenly.

"hey let's head into the food court so we can grab some lunch!" roman said happily while everyone else agreed. "Then we can go hot topic!" Vivian yelled out, being the emo bitch she is. The two then had a mini argument the rest of the way to the food court before roman caved in to vivs puppy eyes. We laughed and began to order our food, quickly running to our table. Half way through our meal I heard my name from someone all too familiar. I nearly chocked as I saw the nearing figure dressed in a ugly bright orange.

"Janus. Baby~ long time no see doll~" Inver yelled. Thomas' jealousy. Someone I hoped wouldn't have found out how to solidify himself. He came dancing over as if nothing was wrong, while my face twisted in horror. Remus and viv knew who he was, but not what he had done. The other three stared at me confused.

"leave us alone Inver. We left you for a reason." remus growled. Jealousy was an ass hole. So toxic and controlling with everyone. But since we were dating I had it worse.

"oh come on I'm sure JanJan has been dying to see me. Haven't you hunny~" he said flirtatiously. His hand reached up to touch my face but I moved backwards into remus so seemed a little shocked. "wow. That's cold. Even to me!" he said faking being hurt, but he clearly enjoyed seeing me cower in fear. "come on doll, daddy wants a hug~" I felt myself gag as remus hugged me tighter.

"she's with me now. Leave her alone dickwad." he stated loudly. Everyone was staring at us, watching. Waiting for what would happen next. "she's. What." he said his face turning from a twisted grin to a cold snarl. He growled and grabbed my arm roughly pulling me away from remus and the others and forcing my back to them. "She's mine! I have the marks to prove it!" he yelled out.

"Please No!" I yelled I heard chair's screech as people around us stood up. Foot steps approached when suddenly my shirt was lifted to reveal the Scars and burns which littered my back. I heard gasps from the table of my friends when suddenly we were pulled apart. Two men taller than me who I'd never seen before pushed him onto the ground while security rushed over to remove him. I felt a cold hand rest against my back as tears flew from my eyes. "Jan.." remus mumbled sadly. I stood tucking my shirt it and ran off. Un able to face them again after what they had seen.

(remus pov:))

I stood quickly and went to follow her when I heard Inver laugh. Security had him by the shoulder trying to take him out the doors near by. "See she's mine ass hole! Mine mine mine mine mine!" I felt a burst of anger, something I hadn't felt in years, and charged at him. I heard roman yell out no but I didn't stop as I tackled the prick, ripping him out of the guys grasp and onto the floor outside and began to beat the shit out of him. I landed three good punches on his face, breaking his nose and knocking out three of his teeth before I was pulled off of him by the security.

"sir you gotta go before police get here. I'll say he tried to hit me so I used self defence but you and your family gotta go before. Don't come back here for the rest of the week." he said and I nodded shaking before spitting onto the orange sides face and  walked away. The other caught up to me and roman clipped the back of my head calling me a dunce and lecturing me about how in lucky the security was nice while the other either checked I'm OK or stayed silent.

(Janus pov)

It had been half an hour since I ran out of town. My breathing had calmed a lot and i wasnt crying anymore, but I still shook. My arm felt dirty and unclean so I spent the majority of the time I was at home, sat in the bathroom that connected to my room scrubbing at my arm with soap and a sponge. My arm was red and raw and looked as if it would start bleeding in some spots. Most defiantly a friction burn.

The door behind me opened and I shit a look towards it in utter panic and fear making sure it wasn't him. Instead remus entered with a banged around both his hands where his knuckled were. Small spots of blood seeped through. "I hit him" he said. "broke his nose... And knocked out three of his fuckin teeth." he breathed and walked towards me. He stared at my back before lifting up my shirt slowly, to see if I'd stop him. I let him see my back, he was going to anyway.

"how dare he touch you like that. Giw dare he hurt you. How dare he hurt my baby..." he growled. I sniffles and turned around hugging him. He squeazed me and picked me up, my legs quickly wrapping around his waist as he walked out of the bathroom. He seated me onto my bed and pulled out the first aid kit from beneath. I made sure to keep one there not only for myself but when remus got into fights or hurt himself in the mindscape.

He began to sanitise and wrap up the burn on my arm, before pushing me down onto my bed, and climbing onto of me. He lay there head against my breasts and hugged me. "I love you. So so so. Much. Don't forget that. I promise I'll keep you safe, I'll never let him hurt you again. I'll never let anyone,hurt you again." he said softly but agressivly. I chuckled and. Whipped my eyes and hugged him back "I believe you. I love you too remus."

(a/n This was knew. Very knew. And ya know what I fucking loved it! So angsty and like sad but also kinda happy. I kinds went a bit weird with Inver tho, made him very yandere ish. But I like it. Thank you again @yourinsomniaOwO for requesting this!)

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