Anxciet(all I Wanted)

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[Ship: anxciet
Warnings: hinted cheating, broken glass, implied thoughts of s*lf h*rm
Type: angst
Word count: 978 words]
[Extra:Heavily inspired by everyone on tiktok who tried to hit that note. If you've heard this song, you know.]

(virgils point of view)

I was sat in my room, alone like I had been for the past week. My eyes were red and sore, my cheeks puffy. A pile of used tissues were stacked up on my dresser, full of tears and pain. All crumpled, sad and pathetic like me.

Music blared next to me through my speakers. Paramore all I Wanted. I listen quietly and continued to cry. Her voice calmed me slightly.

A picture rested on the stand beside it, I sat up straight and looked at it rubbing my eyes with the tissue in my hand. A picture of me and roman, that he had taken on Snapchat. We were smiling brightly, as I seemed to cling to Romans side the devil in glasses filter on us. I felt more tears well up in my eyes, and heard the faint patter of a single drop of water hitting the glass cover of the photograph. My right arm raised suddenly as I gritted my teeth a loud growlish scream escaping my mouth as my hand flung down, the fram which of once firmly in my grasp crashing to the floor and shattering everywhere. 

I picked up the photo from the floor and looked at it. My head hurt and I felt anger boil within me.
The song still played next to me, the best part coming up. With all my emotion I yelled out, loud enough for everyone to hear.

My voice box hurt and felt scratchy.

I panted as more tears fell there was silence for a few moments when suddenly my door flung open. Stood there was janus, visibly worried. He rushed in closing the door behind him "Virgil! Are you alright?" he looked down and suddenly his face was pure fear "Please tell me you didn't use the glass!" he said panicking while trying to pick some of it up with his stupid yellow dish gloves. I shook my head and used the palm of my hands, and pushed my eyes back into my head trying to stop the tears.

I heard glass hit the floor once more before two arms were wrapped around me. I stopped all movement. Why. Why does he care? How does he care?

The thoughts lingered for a moment, but I pushed them away. Feeling his arms around me was surprisingly comforting. I didn't realise how much I needed a hug until now. I wrapped my arms back around him and cried harder.
"what happened?" he asked me. "h-h-he. He c- he called me a-a." I couldn't speak my heart tearing more and more as I tired to speak. The song came to its end and we were left in silence as I cried.

"take your time." janus said softly patting my back.

"he c-called me a d-desease. He t-t-told me to- he told me to f-fix myself." I said gripping onto janus. My hands becoming sore from how tight I was clinging to the back of his shitty little Cape. He sighed and hugged me tighter. Only now did I realise that he was nealing in shards of glass.

Quickly I pulled back and pushed him away. He lost balance and fell on his but out of the pile of shards. I stood and walked around them checking his knees and legs asking him if he was OK, my breathing still shifty. He smiled and pulled me down quickly pulling me into another hug.

"I'm Totally NOT OK emo. Please keep on worrying and don't lay here with me." he said sarcastically, making me chuckle and lay there with him. It had been so long since I had actually lay down and cuddle with someone, especially deciet.

When I left him I thought he hated me, and I thought I hated him. I remember all of the times we spent together. Watching movies, singing, dancing, playing games and getting into all sorts of trouble, well. Me and remus getting into trouble and janus yelling at us. But it was always fun there, since I've come here I've felt nothing but judged and hated, except from patton. I fell in love with Jan, and I think that's what made me run away.

I started dating roman not long after I got here, because for a while I actually thought I loved him. I thought maybe if I loved roman I wouldn't love Jan. But here we are. Cuddling in the floor after a week of me being in tears because roman called me an illness. Because roman told me to fix myself. They never wanted me here. So why did I bother trying to stay?

Janus looked down at me. A mix of genuine emotions on his soft scale face. Anger, sadness, concern and love. Actual genuine love. And I looked at him the same.

"Virgil, please come home." he begged sadly, a smile on his face. "it's no good for you here. I missed you, so much. And I'm not lying." he said softly. His tone made me blush and next thing I know I was kissing him, and I felt him kiss me back. His lips were slightly chapped, and he tasted of sweet red wine and chocolate. I moved away, smiling as I felt more tears well." please, Jan. Take me home."

(A/n: two updates. Wow. Lemme just say. I based this a little off a previous break up I went through. Well except the lil bonding part that Virgil and Jan had. I was home alone and had to clean up the glass by myself. XD)

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